Is This real?

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Is This real?
Post # 1
I know people asked it before but i must ask again
is the site real wishes real? it is realy important to
if it real what the magic behaind it and if not
why some one made this site?
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Re: Is This real?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Yes and no, you have to use your own judgement really, its quite easy to tell who's real, alot of spells are fake so id still recomend you writting your own but theres alot of good free advice to get on here
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 3
I think the person meant lol

The site itself is junk. The power to make a wish come true, however, is not.
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 4
Lol I tried that site it was kinda fun... btw of course it doesn't work.
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 5
People make sites like that to scam people, and get money out of them.
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 6
if it not real why almost always when i look on the clock i see
the hour and 8 minuts? like 23:08 06:08 13:08 and so on
it is kind of creepy
and it is like that sins im used the site.
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Re: Is This real?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
oh sorry lol, I missinterpreted the question, nope, thats completely fake I looked at it and its completely generic I doubt anyone actually reads that site at all
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 8
You see the number 8 everywhere because it has been suggested to you that it is now an important number to you. So your brain is finding significance in something insignificant.

Power of suggestion is an amazing thing.
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 9
Its true.The mind actualy has the ability to make the body show physical symptoms of being ill ,if the person believes it enough,Ive even read of one woman that believed she was pregnant to the point she not only showed in her stomach like she was,but actually started to lactate(sp).
This site only uses the power of suggestion to get you to look for certain things,and of course get you to think if you make a contribution,it has a greater chance of coming true.
Having somthing you want is a very real possibility,using Magick.
I believe that whole heartedly.Having it from this site,makes me a little more skepticle
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 10
Is more then shure you all right.
but this site is still scary and it sounds silly but on
the other hand this thing withe the paper with number 8 on it
and puting it under the moon for 30 sec or under the sky if thre is no moon light for two minuts sounds like real magic.
and those 8 u see im steel scared little bit.
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