Heya! Im new :)

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Heya! Im new :)
Post # 1
heya my names lauren and im 12 years old. I am a female lol. i just dumped my boyfriend because he was doing drugs. :( i miss him alot tho... view my profile for info about me. i am an icemage and one u get to know me well (in life chat) ill tell u more about me. l8ter ^ ^ im also looking for some new friends :)
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Re: Heya! Im new :)
Post # 2
You said you are an "ice mage" and also that you are 12 years old :)
Just thought i would let you know "Cyrokinesis" has a certain age when it can be developed, exercised and practiced. Before trying it you should ideally experience telekinesis, pyrokinesis
and so on...
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