Third eye and evil eye

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Third eye and evil eye
Post # 1
What is the difference between the third eye and the evil eye besides that the evil eye is evil? How can you tell the difference between having a third or evil eye?
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Re: Third eye and evil eye
By: / Adept
Post # 2
The third eye refers to your sixth chakra. It's an energy gate located in the general area of your forehead. It's referenced on this site frequently since many people associate it with psychic abilities.

The evil eye is a magical "power" in folklore and folk medicine in many eastern european and middle eastern countries. According to belief, some people have the ability to pass this evil eye onto others, like an unintentional curse, usually in jelousy or envy. Symptoms include wasting away, sudden illness, and colic in babies.

For more on the evil eye:
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Re: Third eye and evil eye
Post # 3
Cool. Thanks for the information.
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Re: Third eye and evil eye
Post # 4
now i thought the evil eye was also a symbol if im not mistaken
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Re: Third eye and evil eye
Post # 5
There are pictures and symbols representing it, but Ldy is correct. :)
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Re: Third eye and evil eye
Post # 6
Well it depends what you consider to be the evil eye its used in many cultures so you cant really pin it down to one thing.
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Re: Third eye and evil eye
Post # 7
ok now i know you folks are gonna wanna slap me for this one but in the movie sleepy hollow (with jhonby depp) when they found the "evil eye" under his bed was that the acurate symbol or just hollywoods own interpatation
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