Questions for Wiccans

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Questions for Wiccans
Post # 1
Questions for Wiccans
1.)Do the gods and goddesses of Wicca actually exist?
2.)If they actually exist, how do you know they exist?
3.)If your tradition contradicts the tradition of another Wiccan, can they both be objectively true?
4.)How do you feel about believing in the religious system where you cater your religion to your desires?
5.)if you cater/construct your religion according to our desires, then isn't it nothing more than your own invention?
6.)Is Wicca able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas?
7.)If your spells and incantations produce results, how do you know that the power behind the results is good or not?
8.)How do you know that there is not something more sinister behind Wicca?
9.)Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature?

These are my answers, let's see what everyone else's are.
1.) I Believe that the God and Goddess do physically exist since they are a form of energy as well as can physically manifest in our lives through actions (no different than the Christian God can, and is claimed to do)

2.) I know they exist because not only do I have faith in them, but I know I can talk to them through my subconscious mind and higher self. Same as any Christian speaks to the Abrahamic God. I see the physical manifestations, and experience the divine like any other human being.

3.) I've never really know for a full on contradiction of traditions, as most traditions maintain the basic ideals and concepts that even solitary practitioners practice, they just practice something different. In the Case of a true contradiction, then yes they can both be objectively true on the grounds that everyone is different and believes something different, same as Christian denominations. The only difference is we do not discredit another tradition for following something different from the any particular tradition being practiced. Views and beliefs vary and being that "most" traditions are accepting of new views and beliefs, we may not accept them, but they are tolerated. We are all individuals with different ideas and interpretations of everything that happens.

Example: I see a red kickball, so and so see a spherical bumpy red object that bounces and is meant to be kicked during a game.

4.) I've never known a Wiccan to use their religion to cater to their desires. On a Personal level, I find satisfaction and happiness and bliss in practicing what I do because it brings me closer to nature, no different then going to church can make a Christian feel closer to God. Since doing things for self gain is pretty much frowned upon in most traditions, anyone who does so is really going against the very foundation that was laid out before them by the tradition they are following.

5.) Considering I don't cater my religion to my desires there is no real point in repeating the answer to question 4.

6.) This very question (" Is Wicca able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas?") makes me wonder as to who wrote these questions as most of the information from the Holy Bible can't be "verified" to be true (example: talking to a burning bush and knowing it's God speaking to you can not be scientifically verified). However, the basic constructs of Wicca can be verified by looking back through history. Wicca isn't all about bubbling cauldrons and magic, it's more focused on the oneness and closeness one experiences with nature. It's about respecting and understanding the world around us and trying to live with nature and not fight against it.

7.)When a Spell/incantation works it works because our energy, not some mythical force, was behind it. Real Magic is our own personal energy infused with our emotions and thoughts is focused and directed for a certain purpose, then released to influence the natural energies around us that are already there to bring about a change. The only way to know if it was good or not, is for the caster to know, as it's THEIR intentions that are the influencing factor, not a Deity, though their energy is used, it's more for aid and is neutral energy anyways, it reflects back on the caster for intent.

8.)How do I know there is nothing more Sinister behind Wicca? Because Wicca is about a spiritual and self transformation from an old life to a new one based on nature and the honoring of the old ways, and the ones who have come before us. Because most Wiccans do not believe in some all evil being (i.e. Satan) he has no influence on us. You can not honor or worship what you do not believe in. Nothing in this world in inherently good or evil, nature like mankind is a neutral force until acted upon by an outside force, such as society, not a mythical entity (i.e: a serial killer isn't born, they are influenced by outside forces such manipulation by a parent or psychotic break due to a chemical or hormonal imbalance, In other words, Ted Bundy wasn't possessed by Satan, he suffered from a number of different problems that ultimately led to a psychotic break, though outward appearance and sanity may state otherwise, that's what happened.)

9.) This was the best question yet- "Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature?" Most don't believe that candles and rituals actually affect nature. To understand this you have to understand the purpose of a ritual which shouldn't be hard considering the Christian use of many different rituals (communion, exorcism etc). A ritual is meant to harness the higher self, sometimes interchanged with the subconscious mind. It's a way for us to use a more deep meditative or trance like state to harness the power of the human mind in order to focus energy and make a change in the world around us. It's not that it affects nature, it affects the natural and free flowing energy that surrounds us. Anyone with half a brain and a basic understanding of real magic knows, that the tools are to aid the practitioner in focusing and triggering a higher state of consciousness, not to create an actual affect on the natural world.

Re: Questions for Wiccans
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Do the gods and goddesses of paganism actually exist?

Yes if you understand that everything has an energy then you understand that all gods exist even the ones that do not have a name at the current place in time. They are aspects of the powers at be and therefore take on human characteristics so that it is easier to relate to them as a human. Just as some relate to animals as humans when we acknowledge they have a voice, personality, etc.

If they actually exist, how do you know they exist?

Faith is the only explanation to weather or not you believe in a higher power.

If your tradition contradicts the tradition of another pagan, can they both be objectively true?

Yes tradition is a set of ways of doing things. Even though my tradition allows nudity for spiritual work does not mean it is wrong. Though others might not practice it it is still a valid practice for me and other who agree with me.

How do you feel about believing in the religious system where you cater your religion to your desires?

My religion does not cater to my desires but enables me to deal with the reality around me and influence it so that I have the positive aspects effecting me instead of the negative ones.

Is paganism able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas?

You cannot shown any religion to be false to those who do not see it as false. One chooses to believe that one religion is false while another is true. Religion can not be proven either way except to the individual. Religion and beliefs are a matter of faith.

If your spells and incantations produce results, how do you know that the power behind the results is good or not?

Power/energy is not good or bad. It is the casters intent not the means in which they help things come about.

How do you know that there is not something more sinister behind paganism?

I believe that the "devil" is the side of the universe that compels people to do things that they know are wrong. I personally don't see anything wrong with the practices I have. I can see how some might view them as bad however they are just misinformed. I do not pray to a "devil", I do not work with one either though I have been know to call upon the help of a demon. A demon is a creature that can aid you in many forms of magic. How you use their help depicts weather you are being influenced by the "devil".

Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature?

The tools that we use are there to help us connect with the energy within our self and the universe. Transferring and manipulating energy is the main part of a ritual/magical working. As you touch, charge, and use you supplies you are transferring and manipulation energy so that the reason you are preforming said action works.

Re: Questions for Wiccans
Post # 3
Although I don't consider myself Wiccan or practise everything connected to Wicca I think these questions can be answered by any faith.

1.Do the gods and goddesses of Wicca actually exist?

A. I believe that all gods and goddess are male and females aspects of the divine source of creation and are emboided in male and female forms to help us accept and understand certain issues that we may need to learn at any given time in our lifes.

2.If they actually exist, how do you know they exist?

A.I believe them to exist for me, as I do not require physical proof of their exsistence.(Faith)

3.If your tradition contradicts the tradition of another Wiccan, can they both be objectively true?

A. My philosophy on religion most likly does contradict others views, but all religions are ojectively true to those who have faith in them and we can learn a lot of things by studying an others religion even if we dont agree with it, So yes they both can be objectively true.

4.How do you feel about believing in the religious system where you cater your religion to your desires?

A. My believe system does not cater to my desires but to the good of earth and all mankind.

5.if you cater/construct your religion according to our desires, then isn't it nothing more than your own invention?

A. As before I dont cater to my own desires, but most religions are catered to your own invention in a way, because you choose which religion/faith to beleive in.

6.Is Wicca able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas?

A.No it is not shown to be false but it is also not shown to be ture as with any other religious system.

7.If your spells and incantations produce results, how do you know that the power behind the results is good or not?

A. I know because of the intent I hold in my heart.

8.How do you know that there is not something more sinister behind Wicca?

A. How do I know theres not something more sinister behind mainstream religions?, With all things in life there may be evil just waiting to find a way to manifest from saying a hurtful thing to committing a vengeful act, The religion does not hold the power to be sisister only the believer of the religion and what they hold in their heart and mind has that power.

9.Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature?

A. I don't think that, I think they are just tools to help us focus and direct/channel our energies into what we are doing, it is our own enerigies that affect change not the tools we use.
Once we have connected our own energy with the energy of the universe we become one thus making us able to affect change.

Re: Questions for Wiccans
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
1.)Do the gods and goddesses of Wicca actually exist?
I dont know what the gods and goddesses of wicca are but i do know some gods or goddesses do exist. Although Im christian I believe mother earth is my goddess.

2.)If they actually exist, how do you know they exist?
I know they exist, not only because of faith. You may think im crazy when i say this but when i was little, I was outside gathering flowers and I looked up to see a women standing about 10 feet from me. I was scared and started to run. The women looked at me and called to me. For some weird reason i couldnt run. It was like she was holding me back. The wind blew strong and almost pulled me tword her. She smiled and it started raining although it wasnt suposed to. She talked tyo me. I cant remember what she said but a man apeared before her and they both disapeared.

3.)If your tradition contradicts the tradition of another Wiccan, can they both be objectively true?
Yes, because they are both very similar.

4.)How do you feel about believing in the religious system where you cater your religion to your desires?
Its kinda weird but Im starting to get used to it. Now i do it all the time.

5.)if you cater/construct your religion according to our desires, then isn't it nothing more than your own invention?
No, Magick is real and the religion does have deities to worship. So it isnt an invention.

6.)Is Wicca able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas?
Yes it could be but i havent come across anything. Yet.

7.)If your spells and incantations produce results, how do you know that the power behind the results is good or not?
I know because i feel this warm sweetness when its good and a bitter coldness when its evil. I also feel it in my heart.

8.)How do you know that there is not something more sinister behind Wicca?
I dont know it just seems so good and peaceful unless you are evil or do evil things.

9.)Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature? I think tools are just to channel or focus my magick.

Re: Questions for Wiccans
Post # 5
1.)Do the gods and goddesses of Wicca actually exist?
Yes I believe the gods and goddesses of Wicca does exist because they are the personification of the human behavior, emotions, as they are with the animals. And also I believe that the Wiccan gods an goddesses are a aspect as any other gods of other religions.

2.)If they actually exist, how do you know they exist?
I know they exist because I have faith in them and that makes them really as any other gods. I also feel their love and I know that they are their because you feel their presence.

3.)If your tradition contradicts the tradition of another Wiccan, can they both be objectively true?
I believe that they can be both true because each have a meaning to them. They don't have to be similar to be true as long as as you believe your tradition is true, that's all that matter.

4.)How do you feel about believing in the religious system where you cater your religion to your desires?
I don't believe to use my religion to cater to my desires. I am happily content in pouring out postive energy and getting closer to the gods and mother nature.

5.)if you cater/construct your religion according to our desires, then isn't it nothing more than your own invention?
Same answer in number 4.

6.)Is Wicca able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas?
I don't think Wicca can be shown false or nonverifiable ideas but I also think that it depends on that peron. If they think it's false then it's false. Everyone will have different opinions in that question.

7.)If your spells and incantations produce results, how do you know that the power behind the results is good or not?
I know that the power behind my result is good or bad is the energy that I pour to the Universe. If your pouring postive energy that means it's good if your pouring negative energy you know quite well that is bad.

8.)How do you know that there is not something more sinister behind Wicca?
I don't think there isn't anything sinister behind Wicca because it's a loving earth spirituality that celebrate the seasons, believe in a female and male deity and you don't have to do something you don't believe in. And also you discover yourself and it's a path of light and love. I don't see nothing evil in there.

9.)Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature?
I don't think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature because you are just focusing your energy on the tool so energy can flow easily other than that it's psychology but I still don't think it affect nature.

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