southern hemisphere

CovenDivine Spirits ► southern hemisphere
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southern hemisphere
Post # 1
hi guys, i was wondering if anyone knows thngs about the wheel of the year for people living in the southern hemisphere...also i heard that its circle casting was different. Can any1 plz give sme informations about those?

Re: southern hemisphere
Post # 2
The wheel of the year works the same way in the southern hemisphere as it does in the northern, the southern hemisphere will just be on the opposite holiday.

Wheel Of The Year Southern Hemisphere

Samhain: (april 30th)
Yule: (june 21st -23rd)
Imbolc: (August 2nd)
Ostara: (September 21st-23rd)
Beltane: (October 31st)
Midsummer: ( December 21st -23rd)
Lughnassadh: (february 2nd)
Mabon: (March 21st)

Wheel Of The Year Northern Hemisphere

Yule ( December 21st -23rd)
Imbolc:(february 2nd)
Ostara:(March 19th - 22nd)
Beltane: (May 1st)
Midsummer: (june 21st -23rd)
Lughnassadh: (August 1st)
Mabon: (September 21st-23rd)
Samhain: (1st November)

As for the casting of the circle, that's entirely up to you. Some people will say you cast in the opposite direction, or you can just continue to cast deosil (clockwise) if that's what is most comfortable for you.

Re: southern hemisphere
Post # 3
thank you very much sV! Anythng else we shud bear in mind?

Re: southern hemisphere
Post # 4
Just because everything is in reverse, doesn't mean your magic has to be too, lol

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