What is it called...

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What is it called...
Post # 1
When you are trying to put a piece of your power/soul into an object?
And does anyone have a spell they recommend for this purpose?
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Re: What is it called...
Post # 2
Well I don't know what others may call this but my family would call it charging or energizing. I do not use a spell for this but rather allow my energy to flow into the object through visualization.
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Re: What is it called...
Post # 3
or enchanting...
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Re: What is it called...
Post # 4
Greetings Thade:

What others have shared with you are most helpful. Yes it is the transference of energy you have raised, joining with your own, that you use by visualization and some add chanting intents too.

I also add that several clear quartz crystal points placed around the object, oil, herbs, tool etc ... add and help direct the energy.

But to back up ... before you add the energy ... you have to cleanse the object from all others imprints.

Love & Light,
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Re: What is it called...
Post # 5
well one word for it is channeling. Urm best way to do this in my experience is to find a stone/crystal you feel drawn towards. The way i clense my stones is to soak them in salt water and say "creature of salt, creaure of water bless and purify this stone". Next place it in a window with either direct sunlight or moonlight and leave for a day/night

After ths the stone will be ready for you to channel your energy into it. Take the stone in your hand and visulise you energyflowing into the stone and really concentrate on it. You may wish to say some words at this point. As well as visualising feel your energy enter into the stone. Do this untill you feel happy with it and it feels right only you will know that feeling.

As i said this is only what i do there are any different methods to charging stones ad its a case of fiding which one you prefer

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