Divination question

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Divination question
Post # 1
I want to know if I can trust divination because I have heard that it will give false answers and cannot be trusted so I really want to know I can trust divination because I want to predict the future

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Re: Divination question
Post # 2
what method of divination are you using?
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Re: Divination question
Post # 3
Divination only shows what will happen on the "path" you're on right now. The future isn't set in stone, so what you see might not happen.
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Re: Divination question
Post # 4
if you were good at it you would know. you may have not deloped it well. not everyone can do it. where im from and i have been to hati. the houses are painted a certain color. each person specializes in a certain magick. i like to sing but cant why would anyone think they can do it all.

try it if it doesn't work go on. you may be ghood a reike but suck at divination. i know people in the states who believe everyone has the potential. true but how good are you at. i luv to draw and can want to see my stick figure. we can all draw and sing others better. i suck at divination. i can cast certain kinds og spells very well. but like i learned in my apretiship. you think your good there is always someone better. i mess with noone. i will defend myself. do you let people punch you at the bar ok.

if your young you have more potential to learn and get better. my master tells me young wizards can be very powerful they have lots of energy. i never underestamate a young wizard. their life force can be very strong. older wizards have more exsperience so the spirts they work with tewnd to be loyal and stronger than young wizards unless they are trained properly young wizards tend to be good at psychic work. every now and again some just have the gift like singing. my point try it if it doesn't work. do what you are good at.
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Re: Divination question
Post # 5
sorry my spelling and english suck.
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