I get jealous easily at my boyfriend...
And I really really try not to care if he's talking to some other girls...I'm so afraid to lose him that I get insecure about myself... And that is not the real me... I am not someone that gets insecure because my boyfriend talks to other girls....But lately i've been that jealous girlfriend...and I need help to get back to the secure me...without the mixed emotions...and confusion..cuz this all is just hurting me...and of course my boyfriend who gets sad when he thinks that I dont trust him...I do trust him ...but I get insecure easily
is there some spell that I can do to heal myself and get back to the secure me?
Your heart chakra, or you sacral chakra may be out of balance if you think your being overly Jealous.
More likely your sacral because another quality of a unbalanced sacral chakra is possessiveness and you sound very possessive over your boyfriend if you don't want him having female friends.
A responsible person takes charge of their own emotions. You are on the right track asking for help.
Ultimately, no one can make you do anything - unless they're pointing a gun at your head - no one can make you mad, no one can make you react a certain way. 99% of the time, we have a choice on how to react.
For some people their growing edge is impatience, for some it's a hot temper - for you it's jealousy. Bottom line, do not take your emotional reactions out on any one else. My teacher/mentor says that when a person is in upset, they are not fit for human contact. And being upset is optional - it is something we choose.
So practice choosing quiet trust, practice choosing serenity, practice choosing compassion. You will mess up sometimes and let your emotional reactivity get the better of you and you'll create more suffering for you and your loved one, but be easy on yourself - we all make mistakes. Just keep doing it. One day, like all practices, it will get easier and you'll no longer be reacting in jealousy. Think of what a huge ripple effect that will have in the world - there will be less suffering because you took responsiblity for your own upset.
I wish there was an easy spell or something i could tell you, but it is a life lesson in disguise as a jealousy "problem." What a blessing this is! If you learn this lesson now, you will be ahead of the game i promise: no one but us is responsible for our own emotions. To think otherwise is to play the helpless victim.
Especially for those of us who seek to influence the world with magic, we MUST be able to control our own mind and emotions. Best of luck!
Re: Get rid of jealosuy ? By: Birdlover101 / Beginner
Post # 8 Aug 31, 2011
Chanel7080, don't listen to incantus. The meditation part is good but shoving all your emotions away is unhealthy. It is always better to feel than to shove it away somewhere in the back of your head. The best thing in my opinion to do is, when you get like this tell your boyfriend you need a break, or need space for a minute and walk away into another room. Once your by yourself you can tell yourself that since he's still with you he obviously loves you. He's not going and dumping you for some other guy. Also try and remember all the good times you had together while your doing that try to breath until you calm down.