My whole life I have been brought up as a Christian as my mother has very strong Christian beliefs. Neither of my parents know that I'm Pagan but my Father walked in on me meditating next to my altar and I think he suspected. I asked him not to tell my mother as she will most likely disapprove (she thinks all Pagans are Satanists) and will attempt to persuade me not to be a Pagan. I don't know how to tell my Parents (especially my Mum) Has anyone else been in this situation? I really need help! Thank-you!
The best way is to start small. Explain the wonders of meditation. How it helps you to become more aware of yourself and your surroundings. How it helps to calm your mind when you need it. Meditation is not strictly pagan and even a devout Christian should be able to understand that. Blessings :)
I agree, not to menton how old are you? If you are old enough to have your own beleifes let them know. I would start with you Dad though because he sounds easyer to convince. Then get him to help you convince your mom, good luck :).
I would suggest describing magic/paganism in Christian terms if that's possible. If you worship a specific pagan deity you could compare it to an angel in Christianity, meditation could be considered a form of prayer where you converse with God, blessing is a form of enchanting, and exorcism is a form of protection magic. If you think it's possible, you could try to convince your mother that the interpretations of the Bible has been corrupted by man, though I would avoid calling it wrong, just often misinterpreted. You can probably find references to things like reincarnation (some conversations with Jesus have such) and some form of "good magic" (such as doing it in the name of God, which could be interpreted as simply being moral) in the Bible as well. Also, you can point out how many beliefs were actually carried over from paganism to Christianity. Halos are Egyptian Sun Disks, the Devil's Pitchfork is Neptune's Trident, the image of God is based on Zeus, many Christian graves face eastward as a form of sun-worship, purgatory is the Irish "fairy world", and Jesus is essentially a demigod.
Faith seeker bombed it on spot. Follow what he says, hes got a good idea. Try to talk about it with your mom, ask her what she thinks of them and try to reply and ease her into the correct definition. Ask her if she's ever met one, if yes- ask her if she seemed like an evil person. Slowly help her realize what is right and what is wrong.
Re: How do I tell my parents? By: Nekoshema / Novice
Post # 6 Dec 01, 2011
i was nervous telling my parents, my dad more than my mom, she thought it was a phase, but once i explained the belief, and she realized it wasn't a phase, she excepted me. my father got mad and acts like i never said anything. i'd feel it out, try and explain to your parents what it is you believe and assure them there is not satan in the craft. [by which i mean, we don't have an all powerful soul swindling diety who tries to temped us from the light to do his evil bidding.]
Re: How do I tell my parents? By: Birdlover101 / Beginner
Post # 7 Dec 01, 2011
Try and explain it little by little. Start asking her basic questions about Paganism and about what she thinks. When you get to explaining it make sure she knows that people who practice the craft don't really hurt people. I tried asking this question to someone in my Humanities Class, I asked him why if someone only used Magic to help and heal people why it could be considered evil. That if someone only does good with magic and never uses it to hurt or harm people should it be considered so? Why would it be against the Bible to help people that way? Also say if God didn't mean for their to be Pagans then they wouldn't be here on Earth today, God would have stopped it. Like someone on here said, use her religion to back you up.(Also don't use the word Witchcraft if you can avoid it, it has too much of a negative connotation to it)
Re: How do I tell my parents? By: Birdlover101 / Beginner
Post # 8 Dec 01, 2011
Also, if she says something about the devil doing it tell her that the devil can't be more powerful than God and that God could have stopped it at anytime her wanted to if he didn't mean for Witchcraft to exist. I don't believe in the Bible but, like you I have a Christian family and it requires certain sacrifices of keeping my mouth shut at times but, when I have problems talking about this stuff and want to avoid a conflict I just use a memory spell because it's easier for me to get over it if my Mom doesn't remember and it's easier for my Mom not to worry when she doesn't remember.
Re: How do I tell my parents? By: Rowan101 / Beginner
Post # 9 Dec 01, 2011
I don't know how to tell my parents either. I already told my parents that I meditated. They said good for you. I told my parents that I had magickal powers they looked at each other as if to say oh ya she'll grow out of it. That was back in 2nd. Just last year I switched religions without them knowing. But I don't know how to tell parents with them being roman catholic and all.