Christian Witch?

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Christian Witch?
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
I've heard the term Christian Witch before and although I don't agree with their cemented theories on that sect of religion, I do like the concept. I was raised as a Christian and yet I have always been drawn to the occult and the paranormal. Vampires, ghosts, demons, and most of all witches. Please don't jump to conclusions and think that I am lumping witches with vampires, ghosts and demons; because I most certainly am not. I never have nor will I ever consider witches as evil and I am a firm believer in the often stated theory that the original Bible never spoke out against witches. I believe that the Bible was perhaps misinterpreted, either purposefully or accidentally. It is an often stated fact that King James, the man who had the Bible translated from the original Hebrew to English, was deathly afraid of witches and the occult. Supposedly the true translation of the well known verse "thou shall not suffer a witch to live" originally stated "thou shall not suffer a poisoner to live". Now everyone knows that a poisoner is clearly not a witch. Well I suppose that a poisoner could be a witch under the right circumstances, but generally speaking a poisoner is certainly not a witch.

So my question is... would it be alright to combine these two things? Christianity and witchcraft? I have read, but not quite studied, multiple things about different religions. Some of these things frighten me. The only religion that I honestly feel comfortable with is Christianity. I suppose this is in major part to the fact that this is what I grew up believing and although the Christians have done terrible things in the name of their Father, I feel safe in this religion. However that doesn't mean that I want to stop taking an active role in my own life. I believe that if The Powers That Be didn't want you to use magic then they wouldn't have given you such a unique gift. Would it be alright to take what I have learned and return to my Christian path, incorporating what I have learned into that path? Or would this mean blasphemy on both sides? Are the two sides so hostile towards each other that they cannot be blended?
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Re: Christian Witch?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It is alright to combine multiple religions together. People (including myself) have done it and still do. In fact the type of combination you are wondering about is so popular it even has it's own coven.

Most of the older grimouires that are translated into English hold the Christian god as the highest dientity. Including the Keys of Solomon, The Books of Moses and many more books on spiritual practices.

If you really want to combine a religion together then have a chat with someone that has done so, they'll most likely be more than happy to help you. Plus they will mostly tell you that we all walk different paths and that we make are own.

So if your going to mix the two, ask the Priest/ess of Christian Wiccans.

Mothers Love and Fathers Blessings
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Re: Christian Witch?
Post # 3
actually, im also curious about what i am doing now because my family including myself is religious in christian..but i know i have the skill of doing magic and i cant put it off..i believe that to be a witchcraft or anything is not bad unless your doing this for evil porpuses..even if who you are, even if your a vampire,and then you do good, the heaven will always open the gate for you..and thats my priority.thank you..!! :D
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Re: Christian Witch?
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
lol! Thanks, gerbieindac. Also is that the witch from the movie witches in your icon? Absolutely loved that movie as a child.
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Re: Christian Witch?
Post # 5
i too come from a christian past, and i too ask the same questions, so i do understand exactly where your comeing from.
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Re: Christian Witch?
Post # 6
I have been confused greatly during my decisions between Christianity and Magick. Yet at the end I believe in a harmony existing between the two religions, a Christian Wiccan rises from those ashes, and so I wish to remain.
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Re: Christian Witch?
By: / Beginner
Post # 7
I think my subconscious was trying to tell me that it's alright to return to my Christian path, even with everything that I've learned. As if it was trying to tell me that it's alright to be both a Christian and a witch. I kept hearing a gospel song in my sleep. I honestly don't listen to gospel and usually hate most gospel songs but this one was like saying: It's fine. Go back. You can be both. At least that's how I'm hopping to take it. The lyrics were rather incoherent but I kept hearing five words repeatedly. "Shine down on me."
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Re: Christian Witch?
By: / Novice
Post # 8
so first, while there are demons and ghosts, i doubt they're on this forum, lest you count if someone on this forum had one reading over their shoulder, second, vampires, not getting into it, but i hope you don't mean dracula vampires. third, the King James bible is not what you think it is. King James bible was made as a way for the king to rule the church and get devorces easier. he added a few things and changed things around, but some statements, like the witch one, was a sign of the times. witches were very much feared in the 1500 when the bible Anglican church was formed.

in regards to Christian Witches, though i only looked into it 7 years ago and therefore my knowledge is shotty do to memory, yes, it is an oxymoron of a statement that makes me chuckle. however, they're basically christians who use 'white magic' [healing, luck] after all, a prayer and a chant are slightly similar, you say some words in the hopes thing will change for you. also, a lot of what goes on in the church comes from ancient pagan rituals, mostly because when the church took over the rule of the land, they wanted the new converts to ease into the change. example, Bridgit [not 100% on the spelling] was a celtic goddess, who was made a saint because of her huge following.
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Re: Christian Witch?
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
Brigid is the correct spelling. She is the goddess of the written word and imagination. I'm quite certain that she has other aspects as well, although I only know of those two.
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Re: Christian Witch?
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
And yes, I do mean the Dracula kind. Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't real. Of course there isn't any scientific proof that it's real. However, that doesn't mean that it isn't. Also I know the type of vampires you're referring to. Energy based ones. I've widely researched that area as well. Vampires have always interested me.
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