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Post # 1
Are all the products in the online store exclusive to the site, or are some (like the books or magazines for example) available elsewhere? I've been planning to stop by a metaphysical store near where I live, so would it be possible to find some of the products there?
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Re: Products
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

All our products are supplied by AzureGreen. They are one of the, or maybe even the largest supplier of spiritual items in North American and supply most spiritual, occult, magical or new age shops in the USA / Canada.

So all the items currently in the online store here should be avaailable elsewhere as well.

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Re: Products
Post # 3
Thanks! I'll try to look for them! My birthday's soon, so I'll have some money to spend on the ritual supplies and stuff, and some of the basic tools.
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