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Post # 1
well hey im kind of new to this magic but i believe it alot ...anyways i have a feeling that my elements are WATER or EARTH how can i know for sure ??

and would the elements affect on your magical powers in anyway ?? like what ??

like fire elemental people would make a FIRE BALL but Water elemental people Can't ??
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By: / Novice
Post # 2
Here's a pretty recent topic about elements:

Some other traditions believe you should work with all four to be balanced, but most people go by your sun sign (because astrology is just as much a tool for seeing "personality" as well as the future.) My own spiritual advisor is one of these: she goes so far as to call herself an acolyte of Earth, because her sun is in an earth sign, and that's pretty much the only kind of energy she uses because that's what she's comfortable with.

She held back a rainstorm, though, so it's not limited to psychokinesis of one physical substance. Instead, I think the physical aspect of the element is an aid to understanding the energy . If I were able to do what she did, as an "acolyte" of water, I should work in harmony with the flow and suggest the rain away-- instead of standing stubbornly against it like she did. They both work, but the difference could be in the magician's spirit rather than the result.
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Post # 3
LOL fire ball XD
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Post # 4
^^ LOL i didnt have anything else to say LOL
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