spells for a preteen girl

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spells for a preteen girl
Post # 1
I have an eleven year old daughter who wants to do spells with me but all my spells are way to advanced for her age. I have done some research and all the spells I find are for children way to young for her. Does anyone out there have beginner spells that she would be able to do. I have let her do protection spells and call the circle with me. But she just wants to learn more and more. Any ideas?
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Re: spells for a preteen girl
Post # 2
how about summoning?
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Re: spells for a preteen girl
Post # 3

What should I have her start off summing I was thinking of trying to have her get intouch with her familiar but I was wondering if she was too young
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Re: spells for a preteen girl
Post # 4
idk, still trying to learn summoning, but who's her familiar?
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Re: spells for a preteen girl
Post # 5
Research candle magick correspondence for Uriel, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. These 4 are a good cross tradition choice. Get their seals on individual pieces of paper and choose the one she wants to contact. Light the candle, put the seal under it and say a prayer. Material alchemy would be another choice.
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Re: spells for a preteen
Post # 6
I created a simple healing spell. She just needs to be able to concentrate very hard.

To do this spell you must concentrate on the pain your wound is giving you and chant these words

Cure the Pain
Cure the Bleeding
Heal this wound that I've been keeping

Then put your index finger and middle finger of your dominant hand onto the wound and visualize a blue stream of magic leaving the fingers and entering the wound. Your pain should stop in a few minutes.

I believe this spell can be used on sunburns and bruise, but it was made for small cuts, like a paper cut. I hope you like it.

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Re: spells for a preteen girl
Post # 7
well one time my mother took me to a barnes and nobles and bought me a spell book which only held within it light magik and good spells mabey u should take her there?
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