Spells Backfiring?

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Spells Backfiring?
Post # 1
I've had a few spells go wrong lately...

I use a talisman for my magic, and it hasn't failed me yet... Just these few spells...

A few hex-incantations..

"Bug-Bites Hex" - Cast on someone who stole my backpack and emptied it into a trash can... I have three bug-bites on my knee from in the shape of a triangle [symbolic?]

"Insomnia Hex" - Cast on someone who cheated off my test... I can't sleep... AT ALL... I'm running of coffee now....

"Burning Hand" - I used it on someone who insulted my sister and made her cry... As well as threw food at her. Now my left foot is numb, and when I try to touch it it FEELS hot, or if I get in the shower [like this morning] , it BURNS under the water... I limped today it was so bad... And now it feels normal, but it's still kinda tingly.

"Annoyance Binding" - Cast on [obviously] two annoying students in my English class. I'm now binded away from two of my friends who suddenly aren't talking to me... Coincidence?

And two normal Incantations..

"Rain Spell" - Cast while it was cloudy so the rain would hurry, but the clouds were moved away within two hours after my spell was cast and it rained about ten minutes from my house...

"Tree Talk" - I used it on my bamboo plant in my house and now it's starting to die...
Are my spells backfiring because...

A) I'm casting COMPLETELY wrong
B) Karma
C) COMPLETE coincidence...
D) Something else?..

Please help >_
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Re: Spells Backfiring?
Post # 2
BTW, some of the spells mentioned there are my own or given to me by a friend who's been practicing for years.
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Re: Spells Backfiring?
Post # 3
A really common problem when casting spells is confusing the statement of intention. For example, if you want to cast a money spell, and your attitude is "I'm broke! I'm poor! I need money!" then the energy that you are sending out is "I'm broke!" and that will essentially be the opposite... you'll be casting a poverty spell on yourself. If you feel guilty about hexing people subconsciously (since you asked about karma) you might be turning the spell inwards to yourself.

If you're casting on somebody else, the link needs to be clear so it doesn't misfire. You need to have a sense of who they are (which is why sympathetic magic calls for something like a favorite item of theirs, or fingernail clippings or something.)

The weather spell, I think was just a coincidence because weather has many many factors influencing it and getting it to rain ten minutes away from your place actually isn't so bad. Er, can't explain the bamboo. Is it watered regularly?
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Re: Spells Backfiring?
Post # 4
Yes, I understand... Weather is fickle...

Yes, it has been normally. It has good sun and everything. I just do not understand why it is dying...

So what you are saying... I am having trouble because I feel bad [and yes I do] about hexing people?... I only feel bad because I worry that I casted the spell wrong and may have hurt them... So I worry, then feel bad, then guilt sets in... So I may have these back-fires because of my own guilt?...

I guess that I will try to cast something tomorrow [something simple... Another annoyance bind or something, I will write it down so I know I do it right] and if it works, then I know that I am cured...

Thank you, Kindly.

Oh, I do have another question...

When I cast a hex or spell, should I feel a tingling on my fingers as I complete the spell and "fire" it? Or when I speak an incantation I write on my own, should I feel as though the words are coming naturally from my lips and that they just seem to "flow" as the spell completes?

Or when I cast a protective spell, should I feel a sort of "silence" around me?... I feel like I am suddenly cut off from the world, and it feels warm, but my fingers are cold. Then the world seems to "come back" to me...

Last one... When I use astral projection to cast a spell on someone or something, should I feel the energy leave me finger-tips?... I see it in my Astral Plane as I use it... But I feel it on my fingers as well. Like warm-water running down them.
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Re: Spells Backfiring?
Post # 5
That all sounds about right. I think the one thing you shouldn't feel when doing magic is 'nothing'. Oh, and 'pain' (even though it can sometimes be a useful alert of something bad happening, or more importantly that something is happening.)

Maybe the plant's got root rot or something, or who knows since you sound like you have a lot of power but not so much control and the plant may be feeling it, maybe you can take a break from that spell for a little while just in case.
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Re: Spells Backfiring?
Post # 6
I think I'll make a small glass of healing water and give it to it for it's next feed... It may be because of bad vibes. It's in my room near my 'burn book', so it's always a possibility that it caught an off-set magic of mine that I didn't mean to cast on it.

A lot of power?... It could be my charm... I enchanted it several times...

Hmnh, well, I'll keep at it and hope for the best. I'll probably undo the spells I cast if they don't have effect tomorrow, and release all the back-fire I did...

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Re: Spells Backfiring?
Post # 7
karma is my guess. the reason why the bad things are happening because you did one not so nice spell, and it continues and does the whole rule of 3 thing. so try more nicer spells and just talk things out instead of magic, its much more simpler and gets your emotions controlled (sorry to dr.phil you)
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