coven of three

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coven of three
Post # 1
merry meet fellow wiccans, we are in a problem at the moment. my fellow sisters and i are having a problem with a girl at school who thinks she is a witch but is using ammeteur black magick on us to try and hurt us. i am the one who is being attacked the most by the magick seeig as how i am the high priestess of the coven and i am the most powerful, due to being a blood witch. she is trying to bind us and she is trying to tear us apart, because we told her that she could no longer be in the coven due to her turning against us after we taught her the aspects of the craft that we have learned. she is using everything against us and she is saying that she is not using black magick on us when i know she is. she is taking this too far and we need to find a way to stop her without using black magick. if anyone can help us it would be greatly appreciated. we really need all the help we can get at a time like this. our main concern is that yule is tomorrow and she might try something even more powerful than she is capable of. she has not done her year and a day yet and she hasn't even been in the craft for more than a month. we are worried about what she might try to do to herself or to us in the process of what she is doing hurting anyone else in her life. she is a threat to us and she needs to be put into place. we need some help. and as much as possible. please help us if you can or give us suggestions that do not involve blck magick.

blessed be,
white tiger
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Re: coven of three
Post # 2
get a counterspell, well I have some, but not at the hand right now...

but this one helps:
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Re: coven of three
Post # 3
thank you so much. i have tried binding her, i have tried protection, i have tried everything i know of, i don't know if a breaking spell would exactly work but i can give it a shot. she is lying to us and she has used us many times. she needs to learn her lesson and i am at the end of my chain, i never wish bad things upon people but she needs her had bashed in. maybe it will knock some actual sense into her for once. she is going to get hurt and i am not going to help her when she comes crying to me to heal her wounds. she created them she can fix them herself which i highly doubt she would be able to do since she isn't a blood witch, i am the only blood witch that i know of at our school, and i am the only one who can help her. she is going to get what she deserves sooner than later. but thank you for the suggestion, it is greatly appreciated amoung our coven.

blessed be,
white tiger
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Re: coven of three
Post # 4
BLESSED YULE MY SISTER!!!!!!!!! May the Goddess and God guide you forever more, and may our coven walk the Wiccan path with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust for all eternity beneath the eyes of the Heavens.

Blessed Be,
SilverMaiden )0(
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Re: coven of three
Post # 5
BLESSED YULE MY SISTER, SILVER MAIDEN! i want to say that as long as we are true to ourselves we will be true to each other and to the coven and forever in the eyes of the goddess and god.

blessed be

white tiger
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Re: coven of three
Post # 6
if she is that good at black magic then idont know what but sooner or later the black magic will get over here and controll her she does not know how to use it properly what u have told me but the black magic likes her u gota stop her before it can bring death contact me for something to stop her. use it when she doesnt know it i know what black magic is like if u let her hear the words or see her do it. u might as well give everything u got or else the black magic will have no hisitate to kill u.
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