Honey Jars and Crystals

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Honey Jars and Crystals
Post # 1
I started my Honey Jar a couple of days ago.
The intent is to sweetin someone to me.
So far, the candle I lit on top of it - melted into a clean circle on the top of the jar.
Yesterday I put a rose quartz on top of the jar next to the candle.
The candle burnt straight down but at the very end, the wick fell onto the rose quartz and burned out on top of it.
Does that mean anything?
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Re: Honey Jars and Crystals
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Reading candle burning is kind of a tricky thing, it can be like seeing stuff in clouds.

that being said a clean burning candle is always considered a good sign for this kind of work.

it sounds like the way the candle burned, the quartz got in the way of it? I wouldnt worry about it too much.

Better that you feel supremely confident about your work and dont obsess.

Good luck with the work and please post your success doing it!!

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Re: Honey Jars and Crystals
Post # 3
Thanks ThoR.
I will definitely keep updating my progress!
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Re: Honey Jars and Crystals
By: / Novice
Post # 4
In traditional Hoodoo crystals arent really used but now anyone can afford crystals hope the Rose Quartz helps
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