Casting Circles

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Casting Circles
Post # 1
Hello all! I've been very curious as to how differences in circle casting affect spells or if they work at all. Would you be willing to share your preferred method of circle casting, or a way you've tried that hasn't worked?
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Re: Casting Circles
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I don't actually usually cast a circle. Sometimes I do (although it is very personalized), but that is only for very intimate and elaborate spells.

I do ground myself. And I have a little set-up that I do. But it isn't quite as ritualized as circle casting is. I just get what I will be focusing on and using and set them up in a way that 'feels' right to me.

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Re: Casting Circles
Post # 3
I always call a circle for multiple reasons but one of them is it helps me focus. But I use a very simple chant and visualize white light around the boundaries I have set.
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Re: Casting Circles
Post # 4
It all depends on what type of working/spell work that I am doing if I cast a circle or not. But for me when I do I like to cast a circle with a circle invocation and visualization.

I will stand in the middle of my working space and say something like:
"I conjure thee O circle of power, to be a boundary between the world of the mundane and the world of the spirit. Be a barrier and protect me from all things that may wish me harm. Be a container for the energies I raise within. As above, So below. The circle is sealed!"

While I say an innovation like this (it changes from time to time) I visualize energy coming up through me from the earth and out of my body creating a sphere of light that encompasses my working area.

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