Hi, does someone know the intention of "Thelema Ritual Signs" (A.'.A.'.)? What effect do the signs do in the rituals and in the body? Is something like active meditation? Any idea will help me. 93.
Well they can be utilised for many purposes, the grade signs obviously refer to certain sephirah on the tree of life and stem from the Golden Dawn and their initiation rituals.
They are used in various rituals and if one is a member of A.'.A.'. their current grade has it's own sign which can be utilised in multiple settings, however, the main one which comes to mind is Liber Resh vel Helios.
In general ritual use one uses the signs to incorporate the idea of a certain sephirah into a ritual and thus every correspondence. For example if your ritual is one of Tiphareth/solar nature you would give the L.V.X signs as they are assigned to tiphareth and have hidden meanings related to certain mysteries of that sephirah.
The sign of the enterer is used to project energy, the sign of silence/hoor-paar-kraat when done properly is used to contain energy and shield oneself from outside influence.
These are most likely the ones you will come across the most early in your career and the ones you will want to study more indepthly if you are to make use of them. I have rarely made use of other grade signs in a non-official capacity and believe they are more useful to open up certain elemental and planetary temples, i.e., consecrate the temple and invoke energies giving the appropriate grade sign.
There's a lot more I can say, but if you read a couple of standard textbooks you should be okay, they are certainly not an extremely important principle in my opinion, just useful for some. I'm sure a Golden Dawn person could chime in too seeing as these grade signs did not originate with the A.'.A.'. with the exception of the latter N.O.X. signs which a beginner should not need anyway.
Wow,Talk about a complicated system
I Find Basic Kaballah hard enough with only books to guide me
I don't even know what you mean by 93
This topic fascinates me,I just don't understand it
To me 93 is the year I landed behind bars lol.
93 and thank you frater Dioskouri. They are also used in the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram. You gave me a hint to know why we use them here:
"The sign of the enterer is used to project energy, the sign of silence/hoor-paar-kraat when done properly is used to contain energy and shield oneself from outside influence".
(According to your answer the use of signs is to shape energy within us, from within and without)
"I have rarely made use of other grade signs in a non-official capacity and believe they are more useful to open up certain elemental and planetary temples, i.e., consecrate the temple and invoke energies giving the appropriate grade sign".
(Here you tell me about the signgs can invoke sephirots energies for some porpuses: i.e., consecrate the temple).
My conclusion remains hidden. Thank you again. 93, 93/93.
Some people utilise the sign of the enterer to charge the pentagrams in a standard lesser ritual of the pentagram, I don't use this approach, however, in some respects it is valid providing it is a banishing form. The enterer projects, that is the nature of the sign, the sign of hoor-paar-kraat shields and grounds. Some people, and I personally think these folks have the key, visualise themselves temporarily as the God form which the signs represent. The enterer would be Ra-hoor-khuit, and the silence is hoor paar kraat. The adult and child versions. Once could further think of them as two parts of a whole (Heruraha) and also perhaps conclude them to represent the dynamic force of magical energy. Projection and attraction, or as Franz Bardon labelled it: Electricity and magnetism. This is why these signs are important in my humble opinion.
The use of the signs in the greater ritual of the pentagram is obvious, however, I urge you to research the real nature of this ritual. I won't say more than that, as a clue, the first time a Golden Dawner would come across the ritual is in their portal grade initiation, look at that ritual.
But as a quick aside:
Set fighting=Malkuth=Earth. (1=10)
Shu supporting sky=Yesod=Air. (2=9)
The Goddess Auramoth=Hod=Water. (3=8)
The Goddess Thoum-Aesh-Neith=Netzach=Fire. (4=7)
Then you have the opening and closing of the veils attributed to the portal grade, or in A.'.A.'. Dominus Liminus, which has no number attached to it.
They are used as a reference to the associations, unless one utilises visualisations on top of it, in which case they then have a magical effect on the ritual. In the Greater Pentagram ritual they are used in elemental corners after each elemental pentagram. Since the lesser ritual has nothing to do with elements per se they are not used. Some do use the enterer and silence as I said, but not everyone, and I do not myself every time.
Experimentation will lead you to your own conclusions, which may be the same or differ to my own. Good luck!