I made two pacts?

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I made two pacts?
Post # 1
So I wasn't thinking this through, but I made two pacts with two different deities and I don't know which one to choose, let alone what to do at all. Can someone help?
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Re: I made two pacts?
Post # 2
A pact? Well first off I'd like to say that making a promise with anyone in general should be treated seriously. Nowadays, especially when you're young we make little promise or pacts and if its broken its usually okay. However, this is a different case. In older times and possibly even now making a pact or deliberate promise to someone & breaking it would get you killed. You didn't specify the deities but my point is if you made this "pact" you should be well informed on them. Deities are very jealous and picking between two or multiple ones in general after having made a vow to them isn't right on your part.

My question for you is why was your "pact" made for in the beginning? And why are you now choosing between two?

I am sorry if you were hoping for a different answer but its not something to be taken lightly and I'm sure you've acknowledged that as you've stated you " weren't thinking this through."

I wish you the best & I look forward to reading your response Kamrin.
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Re: I made two pacts?
Post # 3
Well basically, i'm a certain type of which called an umbra witch. We make pacts with deities to aid us in battle against our enemies. our magic revolves around guns, the moon, and our pact. It's just, I've been having a lot of trouble finding my deity.
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Re: I made two pacts?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

You're not an Umbra Witch - there is no such thing as an Umbra Witch in the real world, only in the fantasy world of Bayonetta.

Can you make pacts with spirits? Yes.
Can you make pacts and become a gunslinging, angel slaying, super Witch? No

Go out and learn what magic actually is please.

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Re: I made two pacts?
Post # 5
Is it possible to make pacts? Yes

Can I have spirit animals? Yes

Can I have enchanted weapons? Yes

Can I become an exorcist? Yes

Where's your point? I don't see it
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