Wishes amulet

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Wishes amulet
Post # 1
Hi all, I come from France and I came across this wonderful site, I registered here because I would like to buy an amulet that realizes my wishes, there are 4 in total and tell me which one is good for her to walk Has any wishes (in articles where there are amulet and talismant etc ....) and I would like to have your advice how to use it once you have bought it and know if its walking or not because I am Beginner, here is thank you to answer me and benediction to you bye.
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Re: Wishes amulet
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Online Shopping from Welcome.
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Re: Wishes amulet
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Which amulet, in particular, did you have your eye on in the site store? If you could provide us with the links to each, it would help us better suggest which one might be best.

That said, while an amulet might help, it isn't going to drop things into your lap either. You would need to work toward doing things to help reach your wishes.
If you are very new to magic, it might also benefit you to look into some books and sources on the basics ( meditation, visualization, energy raising, etc.)
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Re: Wishes amulet
Post # 4


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Re: Wishes amulet
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

From what you've said in your original post, I personally suggest either the second or third amulet for which you posted a link. Both mention helping you make your wishes come true; which is what you seem to be looking for?

Also keep in mind that the amulet alone will not make a wish manifest. While they can help with bringing certain energies and such into your life, you would still need to put in the work to achieve your goal or bring your desire/wish to fulfillment.
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Re: Wishes amulet
Post # 6
Thank you for your message and what work should I do to make my wishes come true and how to use this amulet once the work done? Give me advice for my goals to work.
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