Angel's Wings

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Angel's Wings
Post # 1
My question is: What is the length of angel wings?

I don't know if anyone knows. But I have searched and I only seem to find that they're like 8 meters which I kind of doubt, but Im not sure.

Does anyone know? :)
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Re: Angel's Wings
Post # 2

Yeah... it doesn't really work that way. Angels are spiritual creatures, so you couldn't really nmeasure anything on them. I know in a lot of religions, angels were actually much larger than humans, and their wings were sometimes fifty, sixty feet long. Additionally, they had multiple wings; in the Christian bible, the only angels described with wings had at least four, and sometimes six or eight.

I guess if you wanted to be technical, you could try and find the length of wing required to lift a human body. For the average person, it would be enormous; much larger than any person could reasonably utilize, because humans are very dense creatures.

I guess if you hollowed our bones, changed our musculature slightly, and replaced our arms with wings instead of the traditional wings on the back idea, it might be feasable. That would require about nine foot wings, give or take depending on how tall the person was. But then that would be kind of impractical, honestly. Wings on our back would be enormous, even if we modified our bodies to be more simliar to birds. Maybe twelve, fifteen feet each? Huge, either way.

Sorry I rambled there. Hope that helps.

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Re: Angel's Wings
Post # 3
That's Aura
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Re: Angel's Wings
Post # 4
Would you like to explain that, Astaroth?
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