Hello and please help me

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Hello and please help me
Post # 1
Hey everyone,

I just found this website after searching about witchcraft, something I should have done years ago. I have been searching for a long time for a place to expose my problems and get solutions without sounding crazy.
I have never done spells or any other whichcraft, in fact I am really just hoping you guys can help me out or I can help myself with your advice and this website.

I have been having these dreams since I was 12 and my grandpa died. I dream of dead people, they come to me and talk me to, mostly loved ones, they tell me stuff and want me to send messages to other people. When I don't dream of them I have nightmares for days in a row and I always wake up crying in the middle of the night. They always feel so real and I can always remember what happened and the faces. I remember having dreams before this where I would always predict small things that would happen.
A couple months ago I had a past life regression therapy and it was the scariest thing ever. I didn't really believe it until I saw things and myself. The woman who performed it on me said I reach the 5th dimension when I'm dreaming and it is easy for me to talk to people who no longer live amongst us because of that. She told me to start doing meditation to help me control my Dreams and other things that I am capable of doing.
I haven't started on meditation yet and I wanted to know if any of you does it and thinks it really helps.

Does anyone have had this experience before? What did you do?
Is there anything that can help?
I am sorry this is such a big thread and if it is not appropriate here.

Thank you so much for reading!
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Re: Hello and please help me
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: Hello and please help me
Post # 3
not sure exactly what to do because i havent been through it but meditation is a great sounding plan. when you meditate, it gives you more control over yourself
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Re: Hello and please help me
By: / Novice
Post # 4

To harness control over inner abilities (psychic abilities) you need to release control to gain control. The most assured way of doing this is to meditate. Meditation slows and evens your heart rate, it focuses and relaxes your brain and it's thoughts, and it feeds your soul. Meditation is to your soul where colorful veggies is to your body. What I mean by this is that meditating will feed your soul and when your soul is fed it grows. This isn't the best metaphor, but it does work, because the more veggies you eat as a kid, the more vitamins and good stuff you have in you to grow and blossom with strength. Taking the time to meditate isn't much different than eating some carrots that you thought you'd dislike. It can be hard for even the most experienced practitioners to take time for themselves to meditate, but meditation can only help you.

If I were you I'd listen to the woman you have been working with. I've had similar, but not the same, abilities for most of my life. My instinct and insight for things is extremely uncanny, and I've had prophetic dreams for many years. I may dream of the dead, but I've never had the dead come to me in my dreams and talk. I do happen to have extremely vivid dreams, so real that I'm able to see the eyelashes on people. Generally the more vivid my dream, the more likely it will come to fruition. I know this because I've spent a good numbers of years trying to understand and work with these abilities, instead of against them. You can't master anything over night, and even after 14 years there are moments where the vividness totally messes me up for a solid week, and I do deal with sleep problems because I stress over what I'll dream. Meditation has helped me so many times with this alone, and in the grand scheme of things, I've spent a lot of time meditating on different things. My soul is hungry and I feed it with meditation, understanding, learning, and growing.

The best advice that I can give you is to follow through with your meditations, take what I've said with a grain of salt, and try to form your own understanding of your inner abilities. They reside within you and you do have the ability to control them, but it takes time, effort, sometimes tears, and dedication. Those four things are universal in magic and the occult. If you want to progress you need to challenge your own current perspective with other perspectives and knowledge, then use that to grow and progress. If you take the time, you will have contributed something you will never get back, when you give effort, you are rewarded when your effort pays off, sometimes you learn things you don't want to learn or is difficult to know, hence the tears, and if you are dedicated, you absolutely will receive results.

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