Does size matter

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Does size matter
Post # 1
[Insert inappropriate joke here]

Seriously though does the size of a wand matter? While I know it just directs your power/energy would it really matter? Extreme example (2" wand vs using a 7" or more inch wand).
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Re: Does size matter
Post # 2
In the wider scope, no. The size of the wand does not matter. If you choose to use one, use one which you like. I have seen toothpicks and plastic Lego sticks in 'portable altars,' and I have seen very long wands.

A staff can fulfill a similar role as well, much the way a sword denotes the same function of a ritual knife, but with authority, possibly a rank. For instance, some druid-inspired traditions include the use of a ritual sword by the leader of a group or ritual.

In some traditions, there are some specifics given. But if you were following one of those traditions, you would encounter the instructions as the items are introduced, which means you would be told what size and material(s) to use, and methods of construction through that specific tradition.
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Re: Does size matter
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
It's really a matter of comfort and opinion. I personally don't think it matters, but I understand that it might be uncomfortable for a small person to use a large want and vice versa because it might not feel right like a pair of pants that just don't fit right. I've only had one wand before (sadly I lost it in storage) made from a tree in my yard and people used to comment on how it "seemed big" for me, but I always felt comfortable using it. I've even seen people with very small wands or "travel wands" that are often only four inches. To each their own I say!
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Re: Does size matter
By: / Novice
Post # 4
It's all about personal comfort and use; I prefer my wands to fit into the palms of my hands rather than to extend beyond my fingers. I prefer them this way because they easily fit into a pocket, are just as functional as normal wands, and they can be pulled out anywhere and anytime.

Functionality and comfort for you are the most important things in determining the size you want. Good luck!
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Re: Does size matter
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Magic Items from Welcome.
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Re: Does size matter
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

" Traditionally ", a wand was measured from the tip of your index finger to the crook of your elbow.

That being said, the length of the wand is entirely up to the individual's preferences based on comfort of use. One longer than the "traditional" wand becomes too unwieldly when trying to draw energetic figures in the air, such as drawing the invoking Pentacles when casting a circle. I don't see any particular drawbacks to shorter wands as long as they serve the magic users purposes.

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Re: Does size matter
Post # 7

Just curious - is the numerology of the length number in inches a factor? Because inches are like a more 'natural' measure right?

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Re: Does size matter
Post # 8
Paulo, any numerology based solely on unit of measure is up to the practitioner. As soon as a different unit of measure is used, that number changes. But if the number holds significance, and what is the deciding factor to use that unit of measure to have a length closer to what the person wants, then by all means, I say go for it.
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Re: Does size matter
Post # 9


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