Honey Jar Gone Wrong

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Honey Jar Gone Wrong
Post # 1
Hello All! Not sure where I should post this, but I have a very important question, and a disclaimer: be careful with fire! It should be obvious but I am here to tell you this isn't the first time I've had to stop a spell because I was about to burn my house down! I've read on the threads a lot about wax dripping meanings on honey jars and I need some help. So I made my career honey jar earlier this year, I was doing a ton of magick at the time and I'm in the theatre business so I light a new candle on it when I'm practicing for auditions and today I had lit one and the candle burned out but the flame picked up an old wick that was already one there and burned so bright and high. I just knew this was a good sign and I was ecstatic! So I look back a second later and the flame had fallen down into the jar because it burned through the top! I thought I had the perfect jar for it but it just occurred to me that it isn't because the top was plastic!! Now there's no top on it at all just a big hole! And no wax dropped down!! I am kicking myself for this ridiculous mistake! But all this was too ask....does that mean something bad?? lol I can't believe I've done this! Please give me some good news with this one! And I hope I made you feel a little bit better about your abilities lol! Blessed be!
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Re: Honey Jar Gone Wrong
Post # 2
Wow thats a sucky situation haha well I personally wouldnt take that as a bad omen. It likely did mess up the energy you put to that jar though. Just try again with creating another one but make sure it has a metal top to it and i also suggest you put the jar on a saucer if you haven't done so already
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