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Post # 1
Please can anyone help me fit a friendship spell on a celebrity? I once tried a spell and it actually worked but I'd like to try another type. Thank you!
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Re: Help.
Post # 2

There may be many examples already existing (I don't really cast spells, especially of this kind, so others would need to advise in that regard), but I can suggest this: The better facilitated the connection is, the more easily it can manifest.

What do I mean? Let me give some examples.

Let's say you find a highly recommended spell, and decide to cast it. Awesome. But in two parallel universis, you

A.) Cast the spell and wait for it to work, without doing anything differently in your life, or

B.) Find celebrities who interest you via their social media accounts. You follow, comment, and get to know them. Eventually you find someone is filming scenes from a movie in your area. So you apply to be an extra, and have a chance to meet them.

One of these will have a much higher chance of becoming friends with a celebrity. Of course, some things may seem to happen on their own. From my own life:

I managed a small shop in a major city frequently visited by celebrities. I was on a first-name basis with some actors on an insanely popular TV series when it was filming in the area.

This same store was visited by retired NBA players.

Some parts of the town where I lived was used as a backdrop for a couple movies, as were some nearby areas.

A part-time employee at that small store was related to a set carpenter who worked for some major production companies, and frequently rubbed elbows with some extremely famous people.

I know someone who works for an investor with direct connections to a major DC Comics movie personality (who has starred in other things as well), and I might very well have the opportunity to have lunch with with this person.

I happened across the YouTube channel of a liked actor, and I could watch his and his son's Twitch streams of some specific video games, as well as joining their private server.

In any such case (all of them are true, but left somewhat ambiguous because I don't much like dropping names or too many hints about where I've lived), there is a much higher likelihood of meeting a celebrity and developing a relationship leading to a lasting friendship. But if I happened to work elsehwere, or if opportunities arise to meet someone and I choose not to, that chance is significantly reduces.

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