
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Helli
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Post # 1
Hello there guys.
I’m here for one very specific question. Perhaps somebody can help me.

In South Africa we have this thing where people give you food especially candy with trace amounts of sperm or blood in it for consumption. After you consume that the attacker will basically tell you that it has small amounts of himself in it and you basically have to respond quickly to deny the candy. It will basically tell you in a very small voice and try to quickly change the subject.

If you do not respond quickly and object to his assertion he will basically be able to look inside your soul, your thoughts your past and your future. He’s also suffering from extreme depression and suicidal thoughts.

I have a friend who I’m trying to cure from this ailment.
First of all do you know what this is? How do we cure such an ailment ? Please help… I don’t want to lose my friend.
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Re: Helli
Post # 2
Also by the way, The one who cast the spell on him said that he tried to kill him many times but has failed. Apparently the guy has guardian angels. Is that rare?

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Re: Helli
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I'm not sure what the specific scenario is, but the act of putting a piece of yourself into a spell allows it to be bound to the creator. To break this, either getting it out of the body or cleansing should work. You can create something to drink (that is safe, no essential oils or anything) and give it to you friend, and then do a physical cleansing. It could be broken similarly to a curse or a hex, I'd assume, so research into that might be beneficial. Additionally, I'd try to bind the person who caused this from harming your friend.

Make sure you encourage your friend to seek help for his mental health. That is something that magic cannot cure and could potentially be unrelated to the spell placed on him. I hope everything goes okay.
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Re: Helli
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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