
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Hay
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Post # 1
Hi, I'm Reka I've never been in any type of coven or involved with any group.... until now lol... I've always been connected.. I've been practicing since I was 13... although I was in a very dark place for the last 6yrs...my father passed...so I planted myself... and now I'm back and better than ever!
Merry Meet everyone BB )0(
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Re: Hay
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Hello and welcome to SOM, we're glad to have you join us here.

Do be careful with the extra punctuation though. This could be considered "stretching" which is against site rules. Just a friendly reminder.

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Re: Hay
Post # 3
Thank you for that I am not good with punctuation or writing
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