Ley Lines

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Ley Lines
Post # 1

Does anyone have any reputable resources on ley lines?

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Re: Ley Lines
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I have had them mentioned off-hand several times, but I haven't put a great deal of effort towards their study.

What I do understand, is that they are lines of magnetic force that criss-cross the planet. Some lines and areas are stronger than others, and there are areas where they cross eachother. 'Places of power', like Stonehenge, Easter Island, and the Bermuda triangle are thought to be associated with intersections of particularly strong lines.

Magically, these lines of heightened energy can make an area more friendly to magic-working. And can be associated with places that have higher than normal supernatural occurrences or hauntings.

What makes things tricky is that the potential presence of these lines has not been measured or mapped scientifically, that I am aware of. Any mapping done has been by assuming first that ancient landmarks were built on them, then drawing lines between these sites on a map and assuming that is your ley line.

For now, I personally consider them as conceptual forms that can be used to visualize the idea of the flow of the energy of the earth in and around itself. Something you can imagine connecting to and drawing into yourself as abundant earth energy. But not a literal defined presence.
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Re: Ley Lines
Post # 3

I'm at the reverse mapping point where I'm trying to trace them from known areas such as St Michael's ley line. There's a great deal of inconsistency and I'll admit I'm grasping at straws. My geography isn't the issue, it's the geometry and mathematics involved that's throwing me off charts, if you don't mind the subtle joke.

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Re: Ley Lines
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Naw, I get it. Personally I haven't bothered going that deep into them. You get quickly stuck between deciding whether the premise is flawed as there is no neat pattern to these sacred sites, Or not all of the sites are 'correctly' located and skew/deviate from the actual ley line paths. Or, the sites and method are somehow correct, and the lines themselves are just not naturally arranged and just exist where they exist.

One thought though, are you mapping your chart as if on a flat surface, or as if on a globe? That makes a difference.
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Re: Ley Lines
Post # 5

Global/universal and trying to keep in mind what constellations are where since the skies are their own map. It's odd because as I mentioned in another post, I came across this area that had a profound impact on me and for the first time I can recall, I considered if this was a along a leyline or axis similar to the "epidermis crawler" ranch. Very odd but familiar energy.

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