Coven regulations

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Coven regulations
Post # 1
How long do I need to be a member until I begin my own coven?
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Re: Coven regulations
By: / Novice
Post # 2
As far as I am aware the creation of new and unique covens is closed. However there are likely several dead/inactive ones you might eventually be able to apply to take over and revive.

Fair notes; it is an active leadership role and in essence a community-in-miniature within the site. Consider first if you are up to the time commitment and effort involved.

As far as timeline goes, I think that is a little fluid as it depends on your overall involvement on the overall site. Last I heard it is a six-month minimum. But as it is an application, approval also depends on people knowing who you are and what you are like.
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Re: Coven regulations
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

As Spirit has already stated, there is no longer an option to create a coven/group here on SoM. There are more than enough covens that cover more than enough aspects and areas of practice that the Admin has decided that no more need to be created.

You can either join a coven as a member or submit an application to lead one. You can join a coven as a member at any time here on the site.In order to take over an inactive coven, however, you must be on the site for a minimum of 3 months. You will then get the option to apply to lead an inactive coven by clicking on the respective link next to the coven you're interested in.

You can find more information on this topic here if you need further information or clarification:

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