Guardian Angels

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Guardian Angels
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

Often confused with archangels, guardian angels are often personal to the individual and aid one spiritually and physically. More often than not the name of your guardian angel is very specific, and when attempting to research them, you likely won't find any sources because they won't seem to "exist" in any texts, biblical or apocryphal, making the task of finding offerings or things they like more difficult. Working with your guardian angel is similar to working with the archangels in the sense you can invoke them, communicate with them, ask for guidance, request assistance, etc., it's just a tad bit more personal. Remember to treat your guardian angel with the same respect you would any other spiritual being or deity: they are not your pet at your beck and call to do as you command. If you're a more devout follower of the biblical texts and respect the 'canon', then angels are extensions of God's will and serve as an intermediate between you and Him, and it should be noted that the worship of angels as gods is considered idolatry. This depends on your faith though.

How do you find more information about your guardian angel? Since it's personal to you the individual, it is a personal journey of spiritual discovery that will lead you to these answers. Meditation, prayer, communication, and generally keeping in touch will reveal the truth in due time. If a name drifts into your mind, write it down because it might be your guardian's name. Some have gotten as far as seeing them and ascribing a visual form to their guardians.

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Re: Guardian Angels
Post # 2
Correct and I love this. Archangels I call upon only if I am in need of extra assistance. Your Guardian Angel is always by your side ready to be called upon. They want to help us and all it take is to ask. For me it was to ask out loud.

Definitely spot on with your words. Listening to the Bible helped me in a mediation like way which increased my spiritual strength. Once I developed my spiritual strength from mediation and gaining more knowledge was what helped me to be able to have a better sense to understand when they are trying to communicate with us. Numerology was a good one for me to study in this case. Then this opened the door of being able to contact my Ancestors as well and so this is where I am at with my endeavors so far. But over time the more you focus on working with Angels and your Ancestors. More Angels and more of your Ancestors will begin to come by to watch over you and to help guide you. Pschycopomp work is what has helped me to develop myself as it was natural to me. Prayer is very good too as Angels and your Ancestors will send your prayers to where they need to be and to set up what you are trying to attain. Our own thoughts and words contain power which the more you have faith in your actions and in your Angels, the stronger your words can get.

Do you have any books that you recommend? The Bible, Kybalion, and A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands was what has helped me in my understandings so far. what are some ways that has helped you to better attain communication if you don't mind me asking. I appreciate the information that you have given.
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