Lust magick

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Lust magick
Post # 1
What are some of your favorite lust spells and how do you prefer to prep for them?
Just wanted to start a discussion for the sharing of knowledge for everyone
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Re: Lust magick
Post # 2
Merry Meet Jinxyxox

So as a topic of discussion, one can relate to this topic on so many different levels. Either, if someone wants to perform a lust spell where they seek someone in particular to lust over them or if you want to like rekindle the passion and flame that's maybe lost in a relationship or maybe you and your partner just want to spice things up so to speak. Well in whichever case it may be, lust magick or erotic magick always gets the adrenaline pumping and energies on a high.

Also if i may add, this specific type of magick can also be practised on ones self. Meaning Love Magick together with erotic magick. It is a self ritual that involves just yourself and your sexual energy. Well obviously that is a whole separate topic of discussion and ritual guide which i will gladly assist if required.

So coming back to the topic on hand.
Prep work for lust magick sets the tone of a rather sexual or erotic ambiance. I'm saying this presuming the topic is related to sexual lust. So obviously you will want to get yourself ready, in whichever way you will be comfortable, surrounding yourself with candles. Scents of insence flowing in the air. Probably some easy listening music in the background. Well like i said, anything that makes you comfortable. Because its during this ritual that needs to resonate with your energy levels, because it's your intent and energy that's going to make Magick happen and work.

A good day for lust magick would be a Friday or maybe a Thursday. During a Full Moon would be advisable. Incorporate coulors of red or mauve or white. Using elements of fire and earth which is your candles. It is said that Nine o'clock is a good time to cast love spells and lust/erotic spells, at night.

So a very simple lust spell I thought I would share.
You will need a pink candle, a pin, rosewater and honey.
So you will need to anoint the candle with a little mixture of rosewater and honey, just a little or else the honey will turn the candle to a torch. Scribe the name of the person whom you want to lust over you across the candle. Then light the candle and let it burn and chant the following incantation.

Magickal universe I Humbly Ask Of Thee
( Person's Full Name ) to lust over Me
So mote it be.

So yeah, a very simple lust magick spell. However very powerful with the correct intent and energy.

Trust we all learn a little more from this topic of discussion.

Blessed Be

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Re: Lust magick
Post # 3
Romance spells involve projecting what you want with someone else, being still in thought about where how and when you want to do it, and then the effect of the spell; what you propose as an outcome. Getting some flowers placing them on crystals and channeling intent with some romantic play of dance, words, or sorcery can even be a spell. Some good flowers I would use are saffron and rose or whatever grows locally. Quartz or amethyst are my type of crystals but you should use your intuition to determine what crystals you should use. Moving your hips with arms, using words that relate with your situation or taking steps to ultimately visualize teal and amber embracing your intent. I personally feel that romance spell incorporating these steps or at least using them as inspiration could possibly get a 4 out of 5 rating from me. But something like romance is usually personal and custom.
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