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Post # 1

Hello everyone! I'm new although I've known this page for years... I'm a peaceful and very silent witch, I don't like crowds and above all I don't like current social networks. I work alone, excuse me for being so sparse in my words but I don't like to tell too many details about myself... if someone needs help or if I can be of help to the community I am totally delighted to be able to do it. I hope one day to open a group here and share what I know. In the meantime I will read and learn from all of you. Bless you.

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Re: HI!
Post # 2
Hello, welcome here, also I'm a witch who works alone. :)
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Re: HI!
Post # 3

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Post # 4
Hi am derick haki from Uganda east africa also an upcoming musician. nice welcoming me on this platform. infact since i lost both of my parents had wanted to always no how to defend my self just in case and practice witchcraft for good only. so am glad that am part of you. hoping to learn alot thanks to everyone participating here in all your levels and ranks. and also great honor to the website owner this the best platform i have ever came across in life. hope to seek for any willingness for you all for guidience. Thanks to gods/goddess for uniting us here.
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Re: HI!
Post # 5

Hello and welcome (back) to the site!

Have a blessed day and enjoy the many features and engaging posts this site offers. :)

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