Past Life Regression Q

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Past Life Regression Q
Post # 1
Is there a way for us to regress back to a certain past life we want to see. If so, then how?
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Re: Past Life Regression Q
Post # 2
Merry Meet Schattenmond

So I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and say, that before putting up this question in regards to past life regression, that you did do a little research prior to this.

And why I say this is, is because there are loads of articles and videos around explaining different techniques to access past life memories or regress back as you say. And at the top of the list is obviously hypnosis. Other techniques include meditation, visualization and dreams. The latter will obviously be self regress methods.

So there is no concrete evidence in any of the above methods to be fruitful however this is arguably contested by many other practioners. So in other words it would be fair to say that past life regression could be possible or is possible, yet with a veil of myth that hangs over it.

So as to give my little piece of advice which should be taken with a pinch of salt is for you to experiment on your own. Engage in some meditation and just connect with your subconscious mind and see where the journey takes you. If there is any message that is be known from your past life, it will make itself reckonisable. If it's of importance it will come to you. Do not force the issue of regressing back to a past life if it's not meant for you or if it is exactly where is should be, in the past. Try to keep a dream journal to write down and keep a track of events that occurs in your dreams. Do it in a cycle of 7 days or 21 days where you try and connect the parts of the dreams that was most vivid and something that stayed with you even after you woke up and something that stayed with you for several days. Document this dreams and create a pattern from them. See if they link up. Because they could be providing you with past life messages.

So again, experiment on your own. See where your journey takes you. Search for clues and messages within your subconscious mind. Look deep into your soul as it's your soul that has made the journey of lifetimes. And I trust you find what you seek.

Blessed Be
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