Working with Angels

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Working with Angels
Post # 1
Greetings and blessings,

I am curious about working with the angels, but don't know where to begin. I'm not the most proficient with tapping into my senses, but have dabbled with magick and spirituality in the past and kinda want to begin on my spiritual journey again.

In the past I have had more than one person bring up and tell me that the Archangel Michael and Gabriel had associations with me. I'm unsure what they really meant by that, when I asked if they were my guardians or guides I was told they both consider me their 'friend' but never could tell me why. I'm unsure if I worked with them in a past life, or inbetween lives, or how or why they would hold me in such regard. But I do wish to discover and find that out for myself.

So would anybody happen to work with angels regularly, and help me learn more about the heavenly host? I have much to learn.
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Re: Working with Angels
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from Misc Topics.
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Re: Working with Angels
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I don't work with angels, but I work with a bunch of different spiritual beings and the "how" is basically the same.

Research the being as much as you can as well as how to work with them [you can google "Angel magick" "Angels in witchcraft" or something similar] Since Michael and Gabriel are two you've heard of, research them. [Signs they're around, what they're like to work with, what they specialize in, and so on]

Keep a journal and be observant of signs. "Signs" can vary for people, so you should feel like it's a sign. If you're constantly going "red cars are a sign of Michael" you'll only notice red cars. If you notice the same numbers [777, 444, 999, 1212] repeatedly, this is a sign the divine is trying to get your attention. If you keep hearing people talk about Michael or seeing his name everywhere, that's also a sign. You can even ask for signs. Pick something related, but not commonly seen. [If Michael is reaching out to me, let me see 3 swords today] I'll link a site below that talks about Michael which might help:

Personal example, angelic numbers. All summer, I constantly saw 444. I saw other numbers, but 444 was the big one. About a month ago, it became 555 and I rarely see 444. As of this week, it's shifted to 777. When you see these, you should pay attention to what you're doing, thinking, or listening to because there's something important. I also get ringing in one ear when my ancestors want my attention and when I acknowledge the ringing, it immediately stops [if it doesn't stop after you go "Oh, my ear's ringing" it's probably just tinitus] Once, I was debating on making a major change and as I came around a corner, there was a great blue heron. it looked at me then flew off. That would be a sign because I've never seen one in that area before or since, it behaved strangely, and it appeared when I was asking for guidance.

Lastly, after you've researched the being, talk to them. You don't need an altar, but it can help. You could light a candle, or not, and just say hi. Prayer is just like having a conversation. Yes, there are more formal prayers, and certain beings want you to teat them a certain way [which is why you should research first] but once you have that "This is who I want to work with" feeling, talk to them. Introduce yourself, explain why you want to work with them, and ask if they want to work with you. You can ask them for a specific sign or a generic one, then meditate and wait for the answer. After a while, thank them for listening and leave, but keep your eyes peeled for signs. You might have a dream or vision while meditating. Try divination to speak with them [tarot and pendulums are helpful] The key is to be observant so you can sense the shifts or signs [and trust me, it's easier than you think. If they want to talk to you, they will reach out. You might not hear them, but you'll know when it's them]

Oh, last last point, quiz them. If you're communicating with them [especially with divination tools] ask them specific questions to make sure they are who they say they are. If you ask Michael if one of his symbols is a sword and he says no, that's a sign it's not him. If he wants you to hurt someone, that's another sign it's not Michael, if he can't remember his feast days, it's probably not him either. [again, why research is so important]

good luck to you
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Re: Working with Angels
Post # 4
Although I am sure that there are those who would disagree with me, I am of the opinion that the "lore" or "mythology" (not in the sense that these things are fictional) is very important, especially when dealing with beings from ancient traditions. The archangels are significant biblical figures. As with all other angels, they are "ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14 ESV). My point in saying this is that in the Christian mythos (again, not in the sense of it being fictional), the angels are essentially sent to and for those who are "saved" in Christian theology. Even if one were to only take the Jewish Tanakh, one finds that "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them" (Psalm 34:7 ESV; see also Psalm 91:9-11).

Now, if you are inclined to follow the mythos behind these spiritual beings, then you might first consider whether you follow the biblical God. If you do follow the biblical story and description of the angels, then it is not at all absurd to think that the angels are already watching over you and are willing to help you.

Michael the Archangel is associated with protection, especially spiritual protection (see Daniel 10:13, 12:1).

Gabriel the Archangel is often said to be the patron saint of messengers, and in that sense, is an archetypal angel, since the word angel comes from a Greek word meaning "messenger." He is also one of the angels most frequently seen actually giving messages.

With that said, if you want to build a relationship with these archangels, you might want to begin by simply praying to them. Gabriel in particular, as I said, is known for giving messages. You could also pray to the angels in general to ask for their guidance.
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Re: Working with Angels
Post # 5
@Nekoshema Thank you for your response.

You have given me some points to ponder and research.
I have never been particularly good at meditation or entering any form of trance to perceive the spirit world, though in the past I was involved in some banishments, cleansings, and protections. I had worked with some people during that time that could see/feel spirits and they had noted that I had not only an unusual amount of spiritual energy, but that I had a variety of spirits that seemingly wished to commune with me through them. Ranging from Dragons, demons, valkiries, to the angels, specifically noting that Michael and Gabriel were hopeful I'd awaken my senses soon to speak with them. And when I asked why they had an interest in me, if they were my guides or guardians I was told they referenced me as their friend.
I never got super far in my spiritual journey, lost contact with those I knew who practiced and could serve as mentors, and I kinda fell out of it. But lately I've felt a draw to start back again. Don't really know where. Feels like Odin may be calling to me, but I'm wary of working with Deities cause I'm not quite sure what to believe/practice. And I kept thinking back to what I was told those years ago about my 'friendship' with Michael and Gabriel, figured maybe they could help me figure things out and gain an understanding.
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Re: Working with Angels
Post # 6
@JoSecundus I appreciate the reply,

That's kinda where my concern comes from. I was raised in a religious household, JW to be exact. But it didn't quite feel right when I was a kid, felt like the Christian mythos existed, but felt like there was more to it and to the world as a whole. But I never got a clear feeling of what all was out there, just that the bible had fragments of the truth, pieces of the puzzle, but not all the pieces.

Back awhile ago I had practiced some magick, dabbled with mostly lightwork type stuff, though also harnessed dark energies to be rid of certain entities (Kind of a fight fire with fire type approach at times) and had worked with a few of the Norse god's, particularly Odin, but also Freyja. But had met some practitioners that had helped me with my workings at times, different people, most of which were not connected to each other. Yet most if not all had brought up at different points of my life that I had a connection with many different spirits, and notably Michael and Gabriel were wanting me to contact them, and that I was their friend. It made little sense to me, because I didn't figure angels made 'friends' with mortals, let alone archangels whom are very important and have even higher roles to fulfill. And it made no sense to me why they'd be interested in someone who at the time was doing things that biblically were taboo.
I don't want to be a victim of my "programming" from being raised a certain way, but I seek the absolute truth. I figure angel's may be a good source of truth if I can learn to commune with them directly, and I am wary of what path to go down. I just know I feel a need to start back on my spiritual journey.
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Re: Working with Angels
Post # 7

Well, as I mentioned, even biblically angels have a strong bond with humanity. A good example of this is the story of Tobit (part of the Catholic canon, but not the Protestant). If you haven't read it yet, I would highly recommend that you do. It gives an account of the archangel Raphael appearing like a man to Tobias, accompanying Tobias on his journey, and even helping him find the person whom he would marry, Sarah.

Now, one of the reasons that I said that it's important to understand the mythos in my opinion is that it helps us identify whom exactly we wish to speak with and to recognize that being if the spirit appears to us somehow. If you follow the pattern that is presented in the Bible concerning the angels and archangels, it is certainly possible for them to interact with us humans and even personally guide us. Of course, that does not mean that you should believe everything that you hear about relationships with angels, but you should not dismiss them as being completely nonsensical either. Discernment is needed.
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Re: Working with Angels
Post # 8

Thank you for the recommendation, I'll research the book of Tobit.

And yeah, I know angels can act as guides and even guardians to humans. I just was surprised to be told by multiple people in the past that two archangels were not referring themselves as my guides or guardians, but rather specified they consider me their friend, and wished to commune with me directly. I do take that with a grain of salt though, that's why I want to figure out how to commune with them considering my inexperience. I want to figure out the truth, and what they may want to speak with me about.

I appreciate the advice, and the recommendations of what to research. Thank you so much, blessings upon you.
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