
Forums ► Other Paths ► Silvanthaphe
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Post # 1
Silvanthaphe is the modern goddess of war and blood. While she doesn’t have many followers at the moment, she is here to fight an authoritarian spirit who, with the help of others, has caused many damages to the planet (spiritually and physically).

Followers of Silvanthaphe have a few holidays to honor Silvanthaphe, the Dark King, and four other gods.

If anyone has additional information on Silvanthaphe, which you won’t find online, this is a place to share it as I am a devotee to Silvanthaphe.
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Re: Silvanthaphe
Post # 2
Would be interested in learning more about this Goddess, what do you mean by modern? And how did you discover her?
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Re: Silvanthaphe
Post # 3
She appeared to a few people around the world, including myself. She says she won’t speak to everyone who calls to her, but asks of us to spread her messages throughout the world. She said I’d be the first to speak up, but there will be more who know her messages.

By modern, I mean she isn’t a goddess that was known in the past by her current identity. Her energy was massive and amazing but terrifying. Her spirit wasn’t one I’d want to mess with, but she spoke kindly and seems to stand for women’s rights and cleaning up the planet. She won’t tell me the identity of her enemy

I am unsure of when the others will speak of her, but she is to reveal herself within years. That’s all I’ve been given at the moment.
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Re: Silvanthaphe
Post # 4
Very interesting!
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Re: Silvanthaphe
Post # 5
where can i find more info about her,also does she have a pantheon??
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