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Post # 1

A black road,
and along that road an accursed old man goes, and carries a bag.

Yes, in that bag the devils huddle, and in that bag death itself is hiding.

Yes, in that bag the noose of Judas is kept.

Yes, the seal of Cain is kept in that bag.
Yes, the first word is stored in that bag. If the old man crosses the crossroads, the bag will open.

And the regiment of the accursed forces will rush off with the wind.

And to the morning, and to the evening.

And in every direction.

And there black deeds will be done.

Yes, there death will be satisfied with the harvest.

Yes, sins will be sown there.

Yes, there the cross will turn to dust.

Yes, I recognize the black word.

And the black power will be accepted by me.
And that bag will be accepted by me.
To be attached for three years.
Yes, and then it will return to the elder.

It's said, it's asked.

This is what I asked for according to the demonic covenant. Amen.

Read seven times on the thirteenth of any month on a black candle
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