
Forums ► Astral Projection ► Dreamwalking
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Post # 1
I've heard of a spell that's kind of like astral projection but you must inhabit an alternate version of you in that universe. Do you guys believe in it.
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Re: Dreamwalking
Post # 2
I'm unsure if entering another's dreams in any form is actually possible. It's been something I've been interested as well, but since dreams are seen as creations of the brain itself, I'm not really sure how it would work. I suppose you could cast a spell that would possibly encourage the target to dream about you, but you wouldn't have any control over the dream, nor would you be able to know what they were dreaming about. Any attempt to enter someone's dreams would probably just result in a lucid dream in your own mind. You could experiment with a willing friend, but I'd prepare for disappointment.
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Re: Dreamwalking
Post # 3
Study Dream Yoga, the Yidam and things. And Kalachakra.
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Re: Dreamwalking
Post # 4
Are any of you telepathic as well? If so you most certainly can enter the same dream. When I was little I use to be able to smell and fell in my dreams as well as control what I did in them. If you are in a state that you can do that at the exact same time someone else in in the same conscious unconscious state you can say their name and them appear in your dream because you are telepathically talking to you. It is probably even easier if you set up a same room or place prior that you will both visit and what that will be like so you see the same thing at the same time.
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Re: Dreamwalking
Post # 5
Telepathy is one of those things that isn't really agreed upon here. Some say it can't be done at all, and some say it can be done but with very limited results. I don't know if telepathy has anything to do with sharing a dream. Most here would probably say you're both visiting the same place on the astral.
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Re: Dreamwalking
Post # 6
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