Teen Witches

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Teen Witches
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1

Hello, loves! I have taken over leadership of Teen Witches. It is my hope that we can once again make the coven an active place for teen witches to grow and learn together. I am seeking individuals to help me clean up the coven forums and take council positions within the coven. If you have any questions or re interested in a council position, please let me know!


Who We Are:

Teen Witches is a group created for the teenage members of SoM. The group is here to serve as a safe place for our young members to learn about the wonderful world of magic and the occult. We provide our members with the tools to understand and grow as magic practitioners, a place to meet like-minded youths, and a chance to explore all of what the world of magic has to offer.

Our goal is to help educate our members and allow them to work together to grow as practitioners. We encourage the asking of questions and thinking outside of the box, when it comes to magical practice. However, we do not promote or accept roleplay within the coven. We are a serious group that is here to promote and assist with the education of the younger generation.

That said, we have information for beginners, just starting out, and information on more advanced topics as well. We also offer weekly discussion topics, quizzes, and more!

Requirements to Join:

  • You must be aged 13-18.

  • Must have a profile picture and a short bio.


If you would like to join, please click the apply button on our coven page and send the coven leader(s) the completed application questions found below.

  • Age:

  • Areas of Interest:

  • Number of Years of Experience:

  • How active can you be:

  • Anything else you'd like to share:

Failure to contribute to the coven will result in removal.

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Re: Teen Witches
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I am still seeking council members to help me with the coven. Please message me if you are interested or feel that you would be a good fit for the position!

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Re: Teen Witches
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

We are still accepting members. If you are interested, please send me a mail message about yourself and why you'd like to join our coven. Please also be sure to click on the apply to coven link on our coven page.

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