Mater Dolorosa
This spell was found in some Roman Archives and it was used like a prayer to Ceres to help a woman have a child. It is only for females( animals or human beings).
Casting Instructions for 'Mater Dolorosa'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- water
- long yellow candle
- long green candle
- fertility oil
- gold coin( as big as mother's belly)
When to perform the spell:
If the mother was borned from 21st december to 1st may, it is better to perform the spell in this period of time. If the mother was born from 1st May to 31st october, it is better to perform the spell in this period of time. If the mother was borned from 31st october to 21st december, do not perform this spell.
( If you are born in the S emisphere, send me a mesage to recalculate this things, because what I wrote is only for the N part of the globe.)
Also, perform this spell on a new moon.
How to place the candles:
In her right side must stay the gold candle and in her left side her green candle, if she was born from 21st december to 1st may. If the mother was born from 1 st may to 31st october, the green candle will stay in her right and the gold candle in her left. If the mother was born from 31st october to 21st december, this spell wil never work.
Put the coin on mother's belly.
Put the water on mother's abdomen and take the bottle with the fertility oil in your hands.
Move around mother and chant:
''Ceres Mater Agrorum, the Goddes of Fertility, join us today as we beg for your presence''
then pour the oil on the future mother.
''Today we unite in your name to procreate our human nature''
light the candles.
'' Our beloved adoptive mother, please give to this mother the chance to give birth a boy or a girls who will love you 'till will come back to you''.
put the coin on mother's belly.
''we pay you with gold for the soul you will put in her''
''Blessed be your name, mother
we chant in your name, your name be poured in her body
so that can she give birth.''
Then take the coin and keep in untill that person will give birth. Take her baby and thank to Ceres, and then give the baby the coin and put it in a necklace so that the baby will wear it untill he/she will have 12 years old. At 12 years old, bless the baby in the name of Sun.
the ritual is over when the candles will burn.
''it is up to Ceres if she will want to give birth through that mother, so this spell might not work for everybody|
Ceres will only raise your fertility, of course you will have to make love to a men to give birth to a baby''
Candle Colors
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Plausible. You are calling on the Gods for aid conceiving. This will not make you instantly pregnant. It is asking for divine intervention to help you. Be aware it is not a guarantee.
(Translation-latin): 1. Mater(mother),dolorosa(grieving) [''Our Lady of Sorrows''], 2. agrorum(field,Land,terrain;in connection to earth), 'ceres(;provide eating/to feed;)' [ceres the mother of fields;Agriculture], This goddess is same like demeter giving Crop,harvest,fertilize in Agriculture so people not starve. But sorry, the title seems wrong because ceres is not ''mater dolorosa'' (i personally don't make statue stabbed with swords, because it makes hurt, pain, wound to the spirit), The Spells content is Magnificent informative good, but sorry, it is only the title is wrong.
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