Reject Negative Energy
This spell is designed to help rid the body of negative energy which will restore the body to its natural state. By using this spell, you will feel much more relaxed and feel energized. Only use 1-2 times a week as can cause headaches.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A quiet surrounding.
- Yourself.
- Tank top and shorts as it will get a little messy.
- A rug or something else to protect floor from staining.
- A light colored soft towel and white washcloth.
- A soft sponge.
- Jewelry.
- Frankincense, preferably, or any other incense works fine.
- Lighter or some matches.
- Three small bowls.
- Pebbles or anything to keep incense stick in place.
- Purified water.
- Fresh rose petals, preferably light.
- Natural oil, preferably rose and peppermint.
- Belief.
Casting Instructions for 'Reject Negative Energy'
New Beginnings ritual kit

New Beginnings ritual kit
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Shut the door as negative energy will roam the living space, and that's not wanted.
Change into tank top and shorts.
Place rug into the spot where you will sit.
Light the incense stick.
Place into bowl of chosen stick holder.
Take the other bowl and fill halfway with natural oil, and mix well.
Place some rose petals in the bowl of oil.
Take the final bowl and pour purified water into it.
Dip the washcloth into water and proceed to ''wash your body'', so it can be free of dirt.
Take towel and lightly dab at skin to dry water off.
Use the final washcloth to dip in oil with petals.
Smooth oil onto skin.
If some petals get stuck, leave them as they will be washed off later.
When finished, begin to meditate, closing your eyes, not thinking of anything.
While meditating, pretend that there is light in a far corner.
Use a hand to grab the light.
If you feel the light warming your hand, you're doing well.
Next, imagine the light engulfing you, filling you with warm ness.
Feel yourself growing more relaxed as you feel the light and smell the incense.
Imagine the light eating all the bad energy, imagine the negative energy being expelled.
Let the light stay in you.
Focus on the light for a little more.
Slowly open your eyes and you should feel comfortable and at peace.
Stay seated on the rug for a while longer, letting your skin absorb the oil.
Take the jewelry and place into cup of oil.
Take out and put it on.
Proceed to clean up.
Put old cloths into the washer, all dirty clothes will also be put to wash.
Take a shower, cleaning yourself of oil and rose petals.
Throw away rose petals.
Use a clean towel to dry off skin.
Dry off your hair and sleep.
When you wake, you will feel at rest although there are many problems in your life.
Over the next few days, place incense sticks all over your living space to get rid of lingering negative energy.
As long as the incense lets off the smell, there will be peace.
Perform this ritual 1-2 times a week max to prevent any headaches.
If you felt headaches or any not well symptoms, do not perform this ritual unless you are well and have eaten healthy and until you slept well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please tell.
Retrode has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 29, 2017
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You could preform this skyclad if you are comfortable. This sounds like a cleansing with a little protection thrown in. If you cast a cleansing successfully, you only need to do it once. If this is a more extreme issue, you would need a stronger spell. After preforming this, a daily grounding and shielding should suffice. You do not need to cleanse in this manner on a weekly basis. These are best done annually, maybe every six months depending on your circumstances. Ward, shield, and protect yourself and your home. That would be best. If you experience headaches after a spell or ritual, it is an energy imbalanced. You could have too much energy, or too little and need to ground yourself. Eat some fruit, or bread. Something to replenish your energy and bring you back into your physical.
Also be mindful if you have smoke or scent sensitivities. Some people react strongly to incense such as getting irritated and watery eyes, a raw throat, and of course it can be one cause for headaches. If you have sensitivities you can instead use a pump-mister with an essential oil mixture of your chosen cleanser. Cedar, sandalwood, lemongrass, and even pine work well. Most times scent sensitivities come from artificial perfumes and the alcohol carriers... or smoke itself. So going smokeless and natural source is a good option. Just place a couple spritz into the air at each cardinal direction and continue as normal.
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