To cause one you love to become ten times more beautiful
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To cause one you love to become ten times more beautiful
This spell will cause one you love (romanticly) ten times more beautiful. This spell is irreversable... but, then again, why would you reverse it?
Casting Instructions for 'To cause one you love to become ten times more beautiful'
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 Piece of paper
1 Writing utensil (e.g. pencil, pen, etc.)
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 Piece of paper
1 Writing utensil (e.g. pencil, pen, etc.)
On the paper, draw your best picture of the one you love. Underneath, write his/her first and last name. Draw seven hearts above the picture, and in each heart write a synonym for "Beautiful" (some examples I used: pretty, gorgeous, cute, hot, etc.) Now chant six times:
"Ten times more pretty you'll be, my love
As soft as a daisy, as bright as a dove."
Now kiss the picture and say once:
"Your beauty, already radiant it was
But now all shall see it, they must."
And now, your love shall become 10x more beautiful.
Personal Experience:
I used this spell on my girlfriend. She was pretty cute to start out with, but after I used this spell, I had a hard time not drooling! (laughs) Seriously, though, this spell works.
Could work as a glamour (to attract eyes to the more prettier parts instead of the bad places), but as for actual physical changes, no. She may become more beautiful (or he), in ways other than physical (a better personality, among other things). This won't cause actual physical changes, but it could work like a diet or weight-loss spell, or a glamour, or change him or her in ways other than physical (as said before)
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