Demon Removal Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Demon Removal Spell
Too remove a Demon from your body , if you are possessed.

Casting Instructions for 'Demon Removal Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • 2 White candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • 2 White candle

Hold both candles in your hand and be standing up while you
Chant :


"Archangel Gabriel I invoke thee for protection, strength and complete safely, from the enemy, take this demon out of my body, send it too the firely depths of hell, where it can be grounded in jail, for every bury through the pits, let this invocation stick so shall it be."


Then sit down and put the candles down and then


"Oh Archangel
Michael help guide me even through the darkness , take all evil from me , cleanse my body and soul through ever divine healing , free me from evil and all wickness, aid me in removing this demon from my body, and help send this being too the place it belongs , not here ,
oh Archangel Micheal have mercy on me remove this demon from me asI will it so mote it be. "


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Last edited on Dec 31, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Are the candles to be lit whilst holding?

Mar 04, 2022
It does not specify, so I would place the lit candles on an altar. If you choose to hold them, either use no drip candles, or use a holder that will catch the wax.

Mar 04, 2022
This is the most confusing things, Do the author really know what do a person looks under 'bad spirit' possesion? how could somebody under 'bad spirit' possesion lit and hold a candle, plus remember the chant (even if that modificated)? i think someone in.. tricky give false recognizion about possesion. Do the author ever see how many people tie or hold the possesed person, so it's not fleeing or attacking nearby people? How could somebody under possesion hold a candle? i don't wanna say demon here, because [Translate-greek&latin]:daimon/daemon(supernatural power/divine power/god/protective spirit/guarding spirit), sorry

It is highly unlikely you are possessed by a demon. If you were, it would take more than a candle and saying ''out.'' If you work with angels, I would change a few words and use this as a protection to stay safe. It is like locking your doors when you leave, you may never have a home invasion, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

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