Make something happen

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Make something happen
Get something to happen to someone using only parchment and a pencil.

Casting Instructions for 'Make something happen'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A single piece of parchment.
  • A writing utensil. Preferably a piece of fresh-made charcoal.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A single piece of parchment.
  • A writing utensil. Preferably a piece of fresh-made charcoal.
Take a strip of parchment and write the name of the target on the parchment with the charcoal. Then, fold the piece of parchment in half so the name is on the inside. Close your eyes and think of what you want to happen to this person in your head. Picture it and think these thoughts for at least thirty seconds before opening your eyes. The longer you think; the stronger the magic.

Once your eyes are open unfold the piece of paper and rip it in half. Try to get either directly through the center of the name or try to rip the crease. The crisper the edge on the rip the more likely the events will happen.

This has worked for me 99% of the time. I've 'wished' for everything from sex (Eh, it's natural), to getting a good paycheck at work. You can write either your name on the parchment or another persons'. The effects will be the same. (If you write your name you ARE wanting the effects for YOURSELF)

Now, as will most magic, this is dangerous. The effects of your 'wish' can be irreversible so think twice before wishing death or something else bad on another human being. If they die, there is no way to bring them back. Mean what you wish!

This 'wish' works best when you are alone with little to no distractions. Give yourself space from most worldly objects. Let your mind drift into the essence of what you are wishing for.

Have fun with this. I've done this quite a lot and it works most of the time. The only time it did not work for me is when I 'wished' for someone to be killed in a car accident. Mind you, the accident DID happen, but they were not killed. Just a few broken bones and a concussion. I really regretted it and I'm so thankful that the person didn't die. So please, heed my warning. Be careful.


Added to on May 27, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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What if I do not have charcoal?

Apr 25, 2019
A pencil would work.

Apr 26, 2019
OK thank you. After I rip the paper what do I do with it

Apr 26, 2019
What do I do with paper after I cast the spell

Apr 26, 2019
So I did this spell at 918pm I'll update with results

Nov 08, 2023
So did it work?

It works!! I have tried for months to get my dad to move into a senior community, and my last resort was this spell. I followed the directions precisely, and today he said he is ready to move!

Jul 10, 2019
How long did it take?

Jul 20, 2019
Xavier1111, he called me next day.

Nov 01, 2019
Where can I obtain charcoal and parchment paper?

Nov 01, 2019
go to an arts and crafts supply store

Will notebook paper work?

Can regular unlined white paper be used?

Oct 21, 2019
I would think you could use whatever you have on hand. Your intention, focus, and actions are what is important during spellwork, everything else is an extension of your own energy and desired outcome.

I used regular paper and pencil.. could it still work like that ?

How long did it take?

Hi can I use this to stop my partner from wanting to sleep with other people while we are in a relationship

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