Wish Charm- Manifestation.

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Wish Charm- Manifestation.
This charm will help you gain your wish by helping you make it come true.

Casting Instructions for 'Wish Charm- Manifestation.'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Items from Nature such as fallen leaves, feathers, fallen flowers
  • String
  • Incense or any form of consecration
  • Yourself
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Items from Nature such as fallen leaves, feathers, fallen flowers
  • String
  • Incense or any form of consecration
  • Yourself

Go out into Nature. Take a hike or just walk around a park- but while you're out there, meditate on what it is you wish most to come true. Keep in mind, this spell is very general, but it shouldn't be used as a forceful love spell-- bad karma. Pick up items on your walk that call out to you. Stones, feathers; anything natural. When you return from your walk, keep meditating on your wish and assemble the items into a working "altar" of sorts. You can assemble it any way you wish, but it must have significance to you so that when you look at it you will think of your wish. Use some string to connect, surround, or spell words on your altar. Finally, consecrate the altar by blessing it and meditating once again on your wish. Good luck and blessed be!


Added to on Jun 18, 2012
Part of the Natural Magick Library.


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