Summoning a Dark fairy

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Summoning a Dark fairy
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Casting Instructions for 'Summoning a Dark fairy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 egg
  • 3 similar glass cups
  • Silver or glass bowl
  • 1 dead rose
  • Water
  • 4 quartz crystals or other crystals
  • any colored candle if you need to do it with the ritual
  • Offering
  • Sugar
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 egg
  • 3 similar glass cups
  • Silver or glass bowl
  • 1 dead rose
  • Water
  • 4 quartz crystals or other crystals
  • any colored candle if you need to do it with the ritual
  • Offering
  • Sugar
Must do at night.

Step 1: get the three similar glass cups and put water in them. Make sure all three glasses are equal with amount of water.

Step 2: get a silver or glass bowl and put it on a flat surface. Fill up the bowl halfway with water. Next put the egg in the bowl. Make the egg is in good shape.

Step 3: get the dead rose and crush the petals into the bowl.

Step 4: when finished crushing the rose petals into the bowl, set the three glass cups into a triangle.

Step 5: put one crystal of your choice in each cup and keep the fourth crystal for energy.

Step 6: pour the sugar around the egg

Close your eye and chant:

I call upon you dark fairy
Come sing of the darkness
Come and assist me on my quest
until my goal is done
And when the song is sung.

Then crack the egg.


Added to on Jun 26, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I am curious how effective this really is, but it does seem plausible, I would just be cautious since the fairy might take revenge on the person and yourself because fairys do what they want, I would give them an offering and promise a bigger one when the task is done to ensure your safety.

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