Basics of Spellcasting

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Basics of Spellcasting
Just something to keep in mind if you want to cast a successful spell and with inexpensive easy-to-find ingredients. These are known as magic secrets because they were in a secret code so if you wanted the key to casting successful spells and/or some of the spells meant for certain eyes you'd have to be able to read the indian language, and understand the code, they used.

Casting Instructions for 'Basics of Spellcasting'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Now not many people know all of this and if they do know some it isn't everything that you should know.

Magic secret #1: You MUST truly believe a spell will work from the bottom of your heart.

Magic secret #2: Direct your spell as desired by being in the frame of mind needed to cast it correctly.

Magic secret #3: Charge your spells with outside energy from nature. Use natural ingredients like herbs, wood, and other plants, and, I can't stress this enough, thank the Earth for the energy you've borrowed!


Added to on Oct 22, 2013
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This needs an edit. Starting with the description, while there are ancient texts and oath bound paths, it does not mean this Magik is better than other types. I would also ask by ''Indian'' is this people from India or people from Turtle Island? As for the actual ''spell'' procedure, it has a lot of misconceptions. First point: belief is important, but it will not overrule facts of reality. Magik on the physical plane is an energy in nature that brings change. Here on the physical, this Magik is one with nature, is ruled by nature, and does not defy nature. No amount of belief will change this. Other planes of existence have different rules and Magik behaves differently on different planes. Physically, there are ridged rules. Second point: rather confusing, but I think you mean ''your mental state can effect the spell'' which is true. Magik is a neutral energy, and you effect the energy. If you are angry, you give it a negative charge. If you are happy, it becomes positively charged. If you are half-hearted in your casting, there will be gaps in the energy, as well as not enough charged, so the spell has a greater chance of failing. Third point: yes, you should pull energy into your body since your body has a finite amount to function. You could rely on your bodies natural energy, but you will feel tired after casting. The ingredients used in spells do not need to be all natural. We are part of nature, and while natural items like crystals and herbs have a greater connection to nature, you can use glass, plastic, or other unnatural items and it would work just fine. It is wise to thank the Earth along with any spiritual beings you work with, but it is just nice to do in general. Not just when you cast spells. It should become a daily practice.

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