Another Werewolf Spell
My spells usually work so this one probably will. If it works, mail me the side effects, and how long it took.
Casting Instructions for 'Another Werewolf Spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Inside
- Window open
- Moon directly in where it is too see it fully
- Strong belief in the dark gods
The light I hide from
The wolf howls loud at the moon
For I am one with the darkness
For the were joins the wolf
I will be one now
The howl never fails always immortal
Now I will be one with the dark
A werewolf now now now
Make me one God's of darkness
Make it so
The howl never fails
Remember only do this if you think it will work
If you mess up try again and again
Also it might not work so don't be frustrated.
FairyMagick has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Jun 27, 2013
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Oct 29, 2013
Last edited on Jun 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Jun 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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You cannot physically transform into a werewolf.
And which God or goddess made you the know it all about certain creatures it's like saying ghost don't exist you don't know what lives in this world till you've searched the entire world and found actual proof don't bother saying anything about werewolfs or other creatures not existing you don't know that without a doubt and I doubt you have any actual evidence
Well, firstly, I never said ghosts were not real. I stated physical transformation is not real. Which is is not. My parents are Wiccan and taught me about Magic. Through their teaching, personal research, and personal practice, I discovered how Magic works on the physical and it is limited by nature. Humans cannot physically transform. You can mentally, spiritually or astrally transform. There are even those people who claim they were animals spirits born in human bodies. All of these are personal, spiritual, and not physical things that I will not argue because I cannot disprove a spiritual expereince. This spell claims physical transformation, which I can dispute because of my experience, education, and body of evidence disproving it, ergo, you cannot physically transform. If you refuse to believe me, fine, learn for yourself. If your plan is to yell at me in the hopes of changing my mind, it will not. Your simple ''have you ever seen it?!'' is going up against 27 years of living in the craft.
That isn't the evidence I was talking about you're basically saying that werewolfs and other creatures don't exist without physical proof of it And also if you know so much about witchcraft then you wouldn't be saying that you'd respect others form of witchcraft but you're not you're just out right saying that something can't happen and you're sounding very ignorant to be honest if you're so experienced you would know not to be saying things like that which shows you're arrogance to that which shows you really don't know anything you need to learn to respect others form of witchcraft so before you say something else think first then type
Also do some actual research first and don't come saying something about what you learned from you're parents do actual real research on different types of witchcraft and of practices and types of what certain covens do and the magic they practices cause you should know not all magic is alike
You are aware you cannot prove a negative, correct? They are not physical beings. We know this because there is zero physical evidence. Werewolves were based on stories told by superstitious people. Werewolves are primarily based on a medical condition known as hypertrichosis. I am not disputing those who believe in animal spirits or work with the archetype. I am stating the cold, hard fact, you can not physically transform into anything no matter how much you wish you could. Furthermore, you seem to have misread my response. Let me repeat it for you ''Through their teachings, personal research and personal practice'' translation: My parents taught me what they knew, I then did my own research and tested it myself. I do not claim to know everything about Magic, but I know on the physical it does not defy nature. If you want to throw a hissy fit because I am telling you the truth, that is your problem. You have zero evidence proving your side, nor have you had to prove your worthiness. You simply appeared out of nowhere and began attacking me. How about you either provide evidence to your side of the debate, or focus on your own path instead of getting mad at me.
Hey tadashi I understand that thats what you belief but I have checked many of these werewolf vampires and all mythical creatures spells and it seem like you have messge a lot on all of them saying its not real or its fake but honestly dude I dont think your right to do that anymore here people write and do these spells because they wnat to belive its real and yes I believe it is too and its like me saying your practice is wrong or thats spells fake that you did but I wouldnt do that because thats you belief and you jay you have come to know in your life time so please stop commenting on ither people spells that they probably worked hard on to be honest if you dont belibe in them why look at the spell at all like stay in the side that you believe in and leave us mythicals to belive in these spells because to some off us not saying me cause am doing ok but to some it could be believing in magic and stuff of legends to be true that keep us going so for you to diss peoples hard work and people belief is wrong please stop thank you
There's a difference between disrespecting a belief system and between acknowledging fact. There's nothing wrong with what Tadashi is doing, he's just educating people on inaccurate spells. The people who are in the wrong are the ones misleading others by spreading misinformation. Tadashi's profile makes it clear he knows what he's talking about, so I'm really not sure why anyone tries to argue with him about this.
@Horsenettle thank you for commenting, people think because I do not automatically agree with their view I am a hater or non-believer or something. I have gotten use to it. There is a quote from a movie I loved as a kid that goes ''the truth doesn't always win friends, but certainly influences people'' and that is how I view these situations. As for hero0923's comment, I am not saying you cannot believe in mythological creatures. I have studied long enough to know what is limited on the physical. Physically, no spell will make you a mythological creature. As for working with their symbolism, their energy, or transforming into one on the astral plane, those are in the realm of possibility and I am not about to argue belief. Honestly, I have never come across a werewolf in the astral, but some claim they have, so I am not about to argue that. I work with Fae, my sister has interacted with vampires, my friend works with dragons. These are all creatures not of the physical realm. My comments are to teach people about the physical. If you feel you can alter a spell you find on here to work as a protection calling on werewolves, or a way to mental or astral shift into an animal, go for it. My point is regarding the physical. Your belief in gravity does not make it real. It is a fact of the physical realm. Same for when I tell someone they cannot use Real Magic on the physical plane to defy natural law. It does not work that way on our plane of existence. If you disagree, ignore my comments. I am not here to force you to see reality, simply to state facts and hope it will influence people to seek Real witchcraft and Magic instead of getting discouraged with fake spells.
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