Code of the Woodland Warrior

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Code of the Woodland Warrior
The codes each member of my grove needs to follow. you may use these as you wish but refrain from copying them word for word.

Casting Instructions for 'Code of the Woodland Warrior'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:

''Under the great canopy of the great and powerful Woodland Realm and within the sight of the members of The Woodland Realm, this I pledge:

1. A Woodland Warrior's word is his bond; he always tells the truth and keeps his promises, no matter how inconvenient.

2. A Woodland Warrior's never hurts a woman, hits a smaller man, or takes unfair advantage.

3. A Woodland Warrior's does not judge by color of skin, age, religion or gender, but by character within.

4. A Woodland Warrior's respects his animals and the earth they roam upon.

5. A Woodland Warrior's will not be wronged nor wrong another. He stands up for justice, especially when it is unpopular.

6. A Woodland Warrior's takes care of his family, his friend, his Mount and his pet before himself.

7. A Woodland Warrior's knows that a sense of humor will cure most of whatever ails you.

8. A Woodland Warrior's is bound by duty, honor, and gratitude for what God has given him.

9. A Woodland Warrior's is loyal and hardworking. A cowboy never quits.

10. A Woodland Warrior's keeps this code in his heart and for all to see.

These words I so speak. And so These words I so live by. In the name of the Woodland Realm and the gods within.''


Added to on Dec 01, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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