Bad Luck to Enemies

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Bad Luck to Enemies
Bring bad luck to your enemies

Casting Instructions for 'Bad Luck to Enemies'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • none
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • none
Say ''Spirits of the night and bats that fly by the light of the moon, come forth from the Astral Realm and jinx the person for all time.''

Say the person's name

Say ''Darmastro Aspecti martain''


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Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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It works. I used it on a friend that I was fighting with and the next day they were late to math team practice and fell down a flight of stairs. XD

Everybody I done put this spell on had all kinds of bad luck and still be having all kinds of bad luck. Lmao.

Jul 06, 2020
Of course it's too powerful

This spell had brought many destruction to many so many enemies

i'm thinking that i have to be specific with this since the person i want to curse shares a name with a famous person who i do not want to curse

I'll try this one on my ex-friend who betrayed me and caused a horrible pain. I can never forgive her for her betrayal. I hope that she will meet an ill fate soon.

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