Reuniting Reflections Spell

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Reuniting Reflections Spell
Here is the spell btw this spell is not mine. When you are done doing the spell you should hear the new of your returning loved one coming back. Any questions or want to tell me something message me.

Casting Instructions for 'Reuniting Reflections Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • mirror
  • piece of paper and pen
  • Pieces of rose quartz, carnelian, red jasper and/or garnet
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • mirror
  • piece of paper and pen
  • Pieces of rose quartz, carnelian, red jasper and/or garnet
Use fine linen paper and a good quality ink pen for this spell.

Write your name out in full, and below it write the full name of your missing lover. Now you need to place the paper and mirror so they face each other (more or less). Tip the mirror downwards a bit so it's facing the paper but don't prop up the paper. A makeup mirror on a tilt-able stand works great.

Place your crystals over both names, and repeat the following chant:

Mirror, mirror do you see?
Bring my lover back to me.

You should hear news of your returning loved one soon. Now these spells will really only be successful if you use them on another person who already loves you (or has loved you).


Added to on Mar 15, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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